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Controlling runs of repeat sensetive functional

1.1.0 2020-10-08 09:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-08 20:40:55 UTC



composer require olegkravec/unrepeatable "^1"

  • Also if you need you can add file instances.log in .gitignore
  • Also if there is Laravel project you can set env PROVIDER_STATES_FILE, that will change name of instance log file.


Unrepeatable - must be required in your project if you need control/prevent multiple runs of your functions. For example, you have docker where you need for every git push make php artisan db:seed - but in this case each of seeders will be executed... Unrepeatable is for preventing this cases, library check if traited class was already runned, and say you about this.


Case #1 - IUnrepeatable

class GenerateDefaultUsersSeeder extends Seeder
    use IUnrepeatable; // Just require me
    public function run()

In this case GenerateDefaultUsersSeeder will be able to run factory only one time. If You will run the seeder again, you will see in your console:

Seeding: Database\Seeders\GenerateDefaultUsersSeeder

Already invoked! Skipping...
Seeded:  Database\Seeders\GenerateDefaultUsersSeeder (0.76ms)

Case #2 - Unrepeatable

class GenerateDefaultUsersSeeder extends Seeder
    use Unrepeatable; // Require me

     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function run()
        if(!$this->isPreviouslyRunned()) // Check where are you need if this class was already runned

In this case you can check previous runs in the place you need.

Also you can specify key of sensitive functionality for checks, for example:

public function run()
        if(!$this->isPreviouslyRunned()) // default check

In this case will be created 3 checkpoints in your class with different keywords.