
PHP Helpers is a versatile and comprehensive collection of PHP utility functions designed to streamline your PHP development process. Whether you're building web applications, APIs, or working on other PHP projects, our package provides an extensive set of tools to simplify common tasks and boost yo

1.0.0 2023-10-08 15:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-08 16:54:22 UTC



php-helpers is a PHP utility library that provides a collection of useful functions to simplify common tasks in PHP development.


  • JSON Handling: Easily generate JSON responses with the json_message function.
  • Redirects: Manage redirects, even when headers are already sent, using the redirect_to function.
  • URL Manipulation: Get the current URL, check for AJAX requests, and work with URLs effortlessly.
  • Gravatar Integration: Generate Gravatar URLs for user avatars.
  • Security: Handle CSRF tokens and input data sanitization.
  • Array Manipulation: Manipulate arrays using dot notation with array_set, array_forget, and array_get.
  • String Operations: Perform various string operations like case conversions and substring checks.
  • And more.....


You can easily install php-helpers using Composer. Run the following command in your project directory:

composer require olakunlevpn/php-helpers

After installing, you can include the Util class in your PHP scripts where you need its functionalities.


use Olakunlevpn\PhpHelpers\Util;

// Now you can use Util:: functions


Here are some examples of how to use the functions provided by php-helpers:

// Generate a JSON response
Util::json_message("Operation completed successfully", true);

// Redirect to a specific URL

// Get the current URL
$currentUrl = Util::get_current_url();

// Check if it's an AJAX request
$isAjax = Util::is_ajax_request();

// Generate a Gravatar URL
$gravatarUrl = Util::gravatar("user@example.com", 120, 'identicon', 'pg');

// Generate a avatar with first name and last name
$avatarUrl = Util::avatar("John Timothy");

// Sanitize a string key
$sanitizedKey = Util::sanitize_key("user@123");

// Perform string operations
$studlyString = Util::studly_case("hello_world");

For more details and examples, please refer to the docs.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.

Feel free to contribute, report issues, or suggest improvements. Your feedback is valuable!

Happy coding with php-helpers!

This updated README provides clear instructions on how users can install php-helpers using Composer. Users simply need to run the composer require command in their project directory to include the library, and then they can use it in their PHP scripts as shown in the usage examples.