
Okaeli_CategoryCode extension for Magento 1

v0.0.1 2018-03-05 14:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-25 06:51:25 UTC


@category   Okaeli  
@package    Okaeli_CategoryCode  
@author     Julien Loizelet <julienloizelet@okaeli.com>  
@copyright  Copyright (c)  2017 Julien Loizelet  
@license    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3


Okaeli_CategoryCode is a Magento extension that will add a "code" attribute to categories. The main purpose of this is to have a better unique identifier to manage categories (better than Id that could be dependent of the environment)


This extension can be installed with modman or composer.


  • Magento >= 1.6 (probably much earlier, but I didn't test)


Run modman link /path/to/your/clone/of/this/repo at root of your Magento Project.


In your composer.json file, add

"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/julienloizelet/magento1-categorycode"

in the repositories part and


in the require part.



  1. If you have to update datas of a category in a data upgrade script for example, you should use : Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->loadByAttribute('okaeli_category_code','here-the-code-of-the-category');
  2. If you need to update layout of a category and do not want to do it in the database, you should use the handle catalog_category_code_HERE-THE-CODE-OF-THE-CATEGORY
  3. You will find a shell script okaeli_category_code_generate.php that can generate okaeli_category_code attribute for each category.


This module comes with some configurations :

  • System Config > Okaeli > Okaeli Category Code


  • Disable / Enable admin category code edition. (As the code should be used for design in layout, modifying it can break your design. So, it is strongly suggested to disable admin edition.)


  • Enable / Disable frontend layout update.

Okaeli CategoryCode Settings screenshot

Technical Notes

No rewrite. Events driven development.

This extension is 0 rewrite guaranteed. The following events are listened:

  • controller_action_layout_load_before : used to add custom handle.
  • adminhtml_catalog_category_edit_prepare_form : used to disable okaeli_category_code edition in admin.

Coding Standards

This extension has been checked with the Magento Extension Quality Program Coding Standard. You can find the output of the command phpcs /path/to/Okaeli/CategoryCode/sources --standard=MEQP1 in this file.


If you encounter any problems or bugs, please create an issue on GitHub.


Any contribution is highly welcome. The best possibility to provide any code is to open a pull request on GitHub.


GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3)