
Laravel Seeder integration for October CMS.

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Security: 0

Stars: 12

Watchers: 5

Forks: 2

Open Issues: 0


v3.0.2 2024-02-28 07:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-28 10:12:49 UTC


Laravel Seeder integration for October CMS.

This plugin integrates Laravel's Factory and Database Seeder features with October CMS.


  1. Install the plugin using Composer.
composer require offline/oc-seeder-plugin
  1. Setup the random file helpers.
php artisan seeder:init

Defining factories

To define a new Factory for your plugin, create a YourModelFactory.php in the plugin's factories folder and define your factories as you would in Laravel:

// plugins/yourvendor/yourplugin/factories/YourModelFactory.php
namespace YourVendor\YourPlugin\Factories;

class YourModelFactory extends \OFFLINE\Seeder\Classes\Factory
     * Default model attributes.
    public function definition()
        return [
            'name' => fake()->name,
            'number' => fake()->numberBetween(0, 6),

     * Define states: Override attributes that differ from the default definition.
     * Use it like this: YourModel::factory()->withHigherNumber()->make();
    public function withHigherNumber()
        return $this->states(function(array $attributes) {
            return [
                'number' => fake()->numberBetween(100, 900);

Next, add the OFFLINE\Seeder\Traits\HasSeederFactory trait to your model:

// plugins/yourvendor/yourplugin/models/YourModel.php
namespace YourVendor\YourPlugin\Models;

class YourModel extends Model
    use \OFFLINE\Seeder\Traits\HasSeederFactory; // add this

Defining seeders

Add a registerSeeder method to your Plugin.php in which you seed your plugin's models:

public function registerSeeder()

Tailor integration

Starting from version 2.1, this plugin can be used to seed Tailor data.


To seed Tailor data using this plugin, it is required that all Tailor blueprint handles are in the SomeSection\SomeEntity format, like Blog\Post.

Defining factories

For a Tailor entity like Blog\Post, create the file app/factories/blog/PostFactory.php and define your factory in it.


namespace App\Factories\Blog;

class PostFactory extends \OFFLINE\Seeder\Classes\Factory
    public function definition()
        return [
            'title' => fake()->sentence,
            // ...
            'is_enabled' => true,

Registering seeders

In the app/Provider.php, add a static registerSeeder method and define your seeders like so:


namespace App;

use OFFLINE\Seeder\Classes\Factory;

class Provider extends \System\Classes\AppBase
    // ...

     * @param $seed \Closure(string $handle, \Closure(Factory $factory) $callback): void
    public static function registerSeeder(\Closure $seed)
        // Blog\Post = blueprint handle
        $seed('Blog\Post', function(Factory $factory) {

        $seed('Blog\Category', function(Factory $factory) {
            // ...

        $seed('Blog\Author', function(Factory $factory) {
            // ...

Seeding specific blueprints

The --plugins flag can be used to seed specific entities:

php artisan offline:seeder --plugins=Blog\\Post

Migrate from 2.x

October 3.3 introduced its own plugin:seed Artisan command. To resolve this conflict, the Artisan command of this plugin was renamed to offline:seeder.

No special migration work is required, you can just use the new Artisan command.

Migrate from 1.x

To migrate old seeders from Version 1.0 of this plugin, make the following changes:

  1. Move all factories from the factories.php to their own Factory classes in the factories directory.
  2. Add the OFFLINE\Seeder\Traits\HasSeederFactory trait to all models
  3. Change your registerSeeder method:
// Old
// New

Running seeders

Simply run php artisan offline:seeder to run the seeders of all plugins. The seeder of each plugin will be only run once.

To run a seeder for a already seeded plugin, use the --fresh option. Be aware that this will rollback and reinstall all plugins with a registered seeder completely, so any plugin data will be lost.

You can use the --plugins option to run only specified seeders. Simply provide a comma-separated list of plugin names.

php artisan offline:seeder --plugins=Vendor.PluginA,Vendor.PluginB --fresh

Included factories

This plugin includes factories for the following models:


\System\Models\File::factory()->make() returns a File model with a random image. You can use it in any seeder to attach a file to a created model:

// Create a model
$myModel = \YourVendor\YourPlugin\Models\YourModel::factory()->create();

// Attach an image
$image = \System\Models\File::factory()->make();

There are size states available: tiny returns a 90x90 image, hd returns a 1920x1080 image and huge returns a 6000x4000 image. Only one side of the image will match the given dimension (it is uncropped by default).

$tiny = \System\Models\File::factory()->tiny()->make();
$hd = \System\Models\File::factory()->hd()->make();
$huge = \System\Models\File::factory()->huge()->make();

If you need something other than an image, you can use the file, pdf, mp3 or xlsx states:

$randomType = \System\Models\File::factory()->file()->make();
$pdf = \System\Models\File::factory()->pdf()->make();
$mp3 = \System\Models\File::factory()->mp3()->make();
$xlsx = \System\Models\File::factory()->xlsx()->make();


\Backend\Models\User::factory()->make() returns a Backend User model. You can use the superuser state to generate a superuser.

// Build a simple backend user.

// Build a superuser backend user.


\RainLab\User\Models\User::factory()->make() returns a RainLab User model.

Twig helper functions

You can use the random_image() helper function to get a random image directly in your markup.

<img src="{{ random_image().thumb(400, 800) }}" alt=""/>
<img src="{{ random_image('tiny').thumb(400, 800) }}" alt=""/>
<img src="{{ random_image('hd').thumb(400, 800) }}" alt=""/>
<img src="{{ random_image('huge').thumb(400, 800) }}" alt=""/>

If you need a valid file download, you can use the random_file() function:

<a href="{{ random_file('xlsx').path }}" download>Download the spreadsheet!</a>
<a href="{{ random_file('pdf').path }}" download>Download the PDF!</a>

{# or make some noise #}
<audio controls src="{{ random_file('mp3').path }}"></audio>


All images used in this plugin are provided by


This plugin is heavily inspired by Inetis' oc-testing-plugin.