
Currencylayer API PHP client

1.4.4 2017-11-14 20:39 UTC

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Last update: 2024-05-29 03:33:23 UTC


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currencylayer API - PHP client

Currencylayer provides a JSON-based REST API, delivering reliable and accurate currency exchange rates for 168 world currencies and precious metals at an affordable price, which makes it the perfect instrument for startups and online businesses, as well as for larger companies in need of reliable financial data via an easy to use interface. The currencylayer API is widely used to power financial departments, mobile applications and back-office systems around the world.

  • Real-time Exchange Rates
  • Historical Rates back to 1999
  • Currency Conversion
  • Time-Frame Queries
  • Currency-Change Queries

Website: currencylayer.com



composer require oceanapplications/currencylayer-php-client
Use OceanApplications\currencylayer;

$currencylayer = new currencylayer\client('API Key');

without composer

Download and extract the latest release to /your/libs/currencylayer/

require_once '/your/libs/currencylayer/php-client/src/currencylayer/client.php';
$currencylayer = new \currencylayer\client('YOUR_ACCESS_KEY');


Example: Request real-time rates via "live" endpoint
$result = $currencylayer
Example: Request historical rates via "historical" endpoint
$result = $currencylayer
Example: Convert currencies via "convert" endpoint
$result = currencylayer
Example: Request time-frame (time-series) data via "timeframe" endpoint
$result = $currencylayer
Example: Request currency-change data via "change" endpoint
$result = $currencylayer

API Documentation

See: currencylayer.com/documentation


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