
Data Storage based on linkedlist

v4.1.1 2023-03-31 13:22 UTC


Linked List implementation in PHP.


composer require obernard/linkedlist

Usage of final class LifoList

Final classes like LifoList are given as examples of implementation of abstract linked-list classes but extending AbstractSinglyLinkedList or AbstractDoublyLinkedList offers much more coding potentials.

Create an empty list and add nodes.

$stack = new Obernard\LinkedList\Collection\LifoList;

$stack->push(['test1', 'test2']);

foreach ($stack as $key, $value) {
    // do something 

$l = $stack->length() // 3

$node = $stack->pop(); // ['test1', 'test2']

$l = $stack->length() // 2

$node = $stack->pop(); // 1

$l = $stack->length() // 1

Usage of Abstract classes

Abstract singly-linked list supports the use of abstract doubly-linked nodes but as a good practice use singly linked nodes inside singly-linked lists.

Your concrete list class links instances of your concrete node classe. Concrete list classes may create node objects - like LifoList class does - or may not.

In this example, MyList class does not create nodes by itself:

// MyList.php

class MyList extends AbstractSinglyLinkedList {

// MyNode.php
class MyNode extends AbstractSinglyLinkedNode {

    public $data;
    public function __construct($data) {
        $this->data = $data;

    // IterableNodeInterface getValue method:
    public function getValue() {
        return $this->data;


// program.php

$list= new MyList();

$list->pushToHead(new MyNode("test1"))->pushToHead(new MyNode("test2"));

foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
    // do something with $value string (returned by MyNode->getValue()) and $key (MyNode->getKey())

A Node classe implements IterableNodeInterface getKey and getValue methods through AbstractNode. You may need to replace one or the other.

  • getValue method determines what is returned as value when iterating the list.

In above example, we decide that foreach statement iterate over $data node property.

If you want to iterate over Node objects, do not replace getValue because AbstractNode->getValue() already returns $this.

  • getKey method determines what is returned as key when iterating the list. AbstractNode->getkey() argument $index is binded with the iterator position index. But you can replace the method and make it return whatever suites your needs.

@see AbstractCommonList key() and current() methods to see how the magic works.

Dialogue between nodes

An interesting design pattern is to make nodes communicate through the list.

See AbstractNode distanceToLastNode() method as an example of inter-nodes communication:

// AbstractNode.php

     *  Returns the node's rank beginning at tail node (ie at the end).
     *  !! Time complexity is O(n) !!
     *  @return int 
    public function distanceToLastNode():int {
        if ($this->isLast()) // if you Node are the last node just say 0
            return 0;
        else {
            // just ask your next node for its rank and increment 
            return ++$nextNodeRrank; 

This design pattern is based on recursivity.

The time complexity of such recursive methods is 0(n) where n is the number of nodes.

If your configuration has xdebug module enabled, the use of such recursive function calls may raise the following error if your list length get close to 256:

Error: Maximum function nesting level of '256' reached, aborting!    

If you don't want to modify your xdebug config by increasing the xdebug.max_nesting_level setting, just don't use that pattern design for long lists.

Be carefull not to use recursive communication methods between nodes when iterating over nodes because the time complexity would be O(n2) leading to very poor performance.

// very low 0(n) < perf < 0(n^2)
for ($i=0; $i<$list->length(); $i++) {
// very very low perf ~ O(n^2)  ...
for ($i=0; $i<$list->length(); $i++) {


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Improvements are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests.



Copyright (c) 2021 Olivier BERNARD