
Database Export in Laravel

1.0.5 2019-07-14 06:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-16 16:41:41 UTC


A simple mysql database export package for laravel.

  • You can export your database easily in laravel by using this package
  • For Security perpose you can set whitlist ip addresses to set limited access


Install the package through Composer. Run the Composer require command from the Terminal:

composer require oalid-cse/laravel-db-export

If you are using Laravel 5.5 or updated version, this is all there is to do for installation.

If you still using on version 5.4 or less of Laravel, the final steps for you are to add the service provider of the package and alias the package. To do this open your config/app.php file.

Add the following line to the providers array:


And optionally add the following line to the aliases array:

'DBExport' => OalidCse\DBExport\DBExportController::class,

Now you're ready to start using the laravel-db-export in your application.


The LaravelDBExport gives you database content. You just need to download it.

Your Content:

$content = DBExport::export_database();

For Download:

return response()->download($content);

If you need to customize the database name then use:

return response()->download($content, 'custom-name.sql');

Export Database Example:

In your route routes/web.php use:

Route::get('/your-route', function(){
    $content = DBExport::export_database();
    return response()->download($content, 'demo.sql');

Set Whitelist IP's

For whitelist ip in your .env file use DB_EXPORT_VALID_IPS variable. Seperate all ip using comma ","


Happy Coding :)