
The KINGdesk PHP Typography library improves typography on the web.

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1.0.0 2017-10-15 23:49 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-29 00:18:00 UTC


PhpTypography is based on the PHP Typography library by KINGdesk. It is extended to support the PSR-0 autoloading standard.


Install PhpTypography with composer via

composer require debach/php-typography:dev-master
composer install

and then use the class like

$html       = '...';
$typography = new Debach\PhpTypography\PhpTypography();
$prettyHtml = $typography->process($html);

What PhpTypography does

PhpTypography enhances the typography of the text on your web pages. The following table shows some examples of HTML texts before and after processing.

Before After Explanation
explanation ex­pla­na­tion Robust hyphenation with soft hyphens ­. The browser will hyphenate words automatically based on the current line width. This is especially useful where the line width is rather small, for example in multi-column texts (CSS property column-count).
I'm waiting for "Peter" I’m waiting for “Peter” Use correct quotes and apostrophes
... Use the ellipses symbol
A flock of sparrows - some of them juveniles - alighted and sang. A flock of sparrows — some of them juveniles — alighted and sang. Use an em-dash instead of a hypen
14-20 men 14–20 men Use an en-dash instead of a hypen in ranges
Acme Corporation & Partners Acme Corporation <span class="amp">&</span> Partners Ampersands symbols are marked up so that you can choose a different font for them and make them look beatiful. Search the web for “ampersand font” as a start.

For more examples, see the project homepage.

How to use PhpTypography

Construct an instance $typography of Debach\PhpTypography\PhpTypography and call $typography->process($html) on it with the HTML text $html you want to process:

$html       = '<p>I\'m waiting for "Peter"...</p>';
$typography = new Debach\PhpTypography\PhpTypography();
$prettyHtml = $typography->process($html);
echo $prettyHtml;

The above code will print (soft hyphens not shown)

<p>I’m waiting for “Peter”…</p>

By the way, if you’re using the full-stack Symfony framework and Twig, there is also the TypographyBundle which comes with nice little helpers such as the {% typography %} tag and the {{ text|typography }} filter.


A thorough explanation of the configuration can be found at the KINGdesk homepage.

Hyphenation depends on the language, which can be set with set_hyphenation_language($languageCode). For example, to set the hyphenation language to French or German, call

$typography->set_hyphenation_language('fr'); // set to French
$typography->set_hyphenation_language('de'); // set to German

The default language is American English. Refer to the filenames in the lang/ directory for an overview of available languages.