

0.1.1 2016-06-09 18:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 17:42:20 UTC


A simple library to generate Schema.org.


Build Status


This library requires PHP 5.4 or later.

It is recommended that you install this library using Composer.


SchemaBuilder relies upon and requires the following dependencies:

  • danielstjules/stringy - A PHP string manipulation library.

Getting Started

Build Schema.org Object

Start by instantiating your primary Schema.org object with the type of the object.

For example, to create a Book:

$book = new NYPL\SchemaBuilder\Schema('Book');

Then, set the properties of the object wih the property name and value:

$book->addProperty('name', 'Le concerto');
$book->addProperty('author', 'Ferchault, Guy');

The property can also contain other Schema.org objects:

// First, build the Offer object
$offer = new Schema('Offer');
$offer->addProperty('availability', 'http://schema.org/InStock');
$offer->addProperty('serialNumber', 'CONC91000937');
// Then, set the "offers" property on the Book object with the Offer object
$book->addProperty('offers', $offer);

Output Schema.org as JSON-LD

When you have finished building your Schema.org object, output it in JSON-LD:

<?php $book->outputJsonLd();

Output Schema.org as Microdata

When you have finished building your Schema.org object, you can output it in two ways:

1. Properties Only

To output without a HTML wrapper use the outputMicrodata method with or without a property name.

// Output an Object
<div <?php $book->outputMicrodata(); ?> itemid="#record">
// Output an Object's property
<h1 <?php $book->outputMicrodata('name'); ?>><?php $book->outputProperty('name'); ?></h1>

If you do not specify a property name, microdata to describe the primary object will be generated.


<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Book" itemid="#record">
<h1 itemprop="name">Le concerto</h1>

2. Wrapped Properties

To output with a property with a HTML wrapper specify the name of the property and the wrapper that you want to use:

<?php $book->outputMicrodata('additionalType', 'link'); ?>
<?php $book->outputMicrodata('name', 'h3'); ?>


<link itemprop="additionalType" href="http://schema.org/Product">
<h3 itemprop="name">Le concerto</h3>


From the project directory, tests can be ran using phpunit.