
Client class for GPSD service

1.0.1 2019-07-09 17:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 05:48:02 UTC



PHP Client to retrieve informations from a GPSD service. More informations about GPSD: http://catb.org/gpsd/


composer require nykopol/gpsd-client 1.*


Basic usage :

$client = new Client(); // new client for localhost on port 2947
$client->connect(); // Initiate socket with the service
$client->watch();   // Tell the service to start report event
$infos = $client->getNext('TPV'); // Get the next message of class TPV ()


__construct($host = 'localhost', $port = 2947)

The class instantiation accept two parameters: $host string (default: localhost) the host we want to listen to $port integer (default: 2947) the socket port


This method connect the socket to the service. The returned value is the string returned by the service identifying itself. ex.: {"class":"VERSION","release":"2.93","rev":"2010-03-30T12:18:17", "proto_major":3,"proto_minor":2}

watch($enable = true, $format = 'json')

The watch method tell the service to start report sensors events. This method accept two parameters: $enable bool (default: true) Tell the service to start or stop watching. $format string (default: json) Set the desired format for the returned datas

getNext($class, $buffer = false, $blocking = true)

Return the next message of the given class. Current service class are WATCH, DEVICES, DEVICE, TPV, AIS. The method accept the tree parameters: $class string The wanted class name. $buffer bool (default: false) Once the device synced, the service is generaly reporting one message per second. This parameter specify if we want the next message from the buffer or the next message in the time. $blocking bool (default: true) Wait for the next message or return null if there is no new message. This option is relevant only if the buffer is enabled.

For exemple, if you are connected to the service since 1 minute, and that the sensor is synced, the next message from the buffer is proably old of about 1 minute. While requesting the next message in time will flush the buffer then wait for the next message of the desired class.

The returned value is the raw string returned by the service. So if you asked for json format with the watch() method, the returne value will look like : {"class":"TPV","tag":"MID2","time":"2010-04...


Disconnect from the service.