
Admin panel

1.0.0 2022-07-10 06:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 16:00:44 UTC



composer require nurzzzone/admin-panel

After package installation run this command to add assets(javascript/css) into public directory

php artisan vendor:publish admin-panel-assets

Basic Usage

\Nurzzzone\AdminPanel\Support\Table component renders rows from database as table

class PostController extends \Nurzzzone\AdminPanel\Controllers\TableController
    public function fromTable() 
        $table = new \Nurzzzone\AdminPanel\Support\Table(Post::query());
        $table->addColumn(new \Nurzzzone\AdminPanel\Support\Table\Text('ID', 'id'));
        $table->addColumn(new \Nurzzzone\AdminPanel\Support\Table\Text('Title', 'title'));
        return $table;

If you want to add your custom views using admin-panel layout you need to add this into the top of the blade file:


@section('title', 'Blog Posts') // page title

    // styles

    // html content

    // js