
DaData module for Yii 2 Framework

0.5.1 2024-02-27 03:09 UTC



If you don't have Composer, you may install it by following instructions at getcomposer.org.

Install this library using the following command:

composer require nsu-soft/yii-dadata


Add the following lines to your configuration file:

'modules' => [
    'dadata' => [
        'class' => 'nsusoft\dadata\Module',
        'token' => 'enter-your-dadata-token',
        'secret' => 'enter-your-dadata-secret',
        'cachePriority' => [DbHandler::class],

Read more about modules configuration in Yii2.


Apply migrations, if you want to save responses from DaData to your local database:

yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/nsu-soft/yii-dadata/src/migrations


Clean address:


namespace app\forms;

use app\models\City;
use app\models\Region;
use nsusoft\dadata\helpers\CleanHelper;
use nsusoft\dadata\plugins\TimezoneConverter;
use nsusoft\dadata\validators\AddressValidator;
use yii\base\Model;

class AddressForm extends Model
     * @var string 
    public $address;
     * @var City 
    private $city;

     * @var Region 
    private $region;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function rules(): array
        return [
            [['address'], 'string', 'max' => 255],
            [['address'], AddressValidator::class, 'maxPrecision' => AddressValidator::PRECISION_STREET, 'minPrecision' => AddressValidator::PRECISION_BUILDING],

     * @return bool
    private function saveRegion(): bool
        $address = CleanHelper::address($this->address);
        $this->region = new Region();
        $this->region->name = $address->region;
        $this->region->type = $address->regionType;
        $this->region->type_full = $address->regionTypeFull;
        $this->region->name_with_type = $address->regionWithType;
        $this->region->fias_id = $address->regionFiasId;
        $this->region->timezone = TimezoneConverter::toIana($address);

        return $this->region->save();
     * @return bool
    private function saveCity(): bool
        $address = CleanHelper::address($this->address);
        $this->city = new City();
        $this->city->name = $address->city;
        $this->city->type = $address->cityType;
        $this->city->type_full = $address->cityTypeFull;
        $this->city->name_with_type = $address->cityWithType;
        $this->city->fias_id = $address->cityFiasId;
        $this->city->region_id = $this->region->id;

        return $this->city->save();

     * @return bool
    public function save(): bool
        if (!$this->validate()) {
            return false;
        return $this->saveRegion() && $this->saveCity(); 

Suggest address:


namespace app\controllers;

use nsusoft\dadata\helpers\SuggestHelper;
use yii\web\Controller;

class SuggestController extends Controller
     * @param string $query
     * @return array
    public function actionAddress(string $query): array
        $items = [];
        foreach (SuggestHelper::address($query) as $suggest) {
            $items[] = $suggest->value;
        return $items;

See src/helpers and src/validators directories for more usage examples.