
Simple framework for generating SF4/5 admin pages.

1.1.5 2020-11-24 23:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 08:59:15 UTC


Simple framework for generating SF4/5 admin. Allows you to create simple admin pages for managing entities by creating a basic entity, service, repository, and controller class for each entity.

Requires more coding than using an admin generator like Sonata, but allows for much greater flexibility by ditching complex configurators for simple, easily-overridden and extended classes.


Require the AdminBundle

composer require ns/admin-bundle

add it to your project bundles.php

NS\AdminBundle\NSAdminBundle::class => ['all' => true],

and require the routing config in your project routes.yaml file

    resource: "@NSAdminBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:  /admin

Create your entity, and extend AdminSoftDeletableEntity. Remember to define a __toString() method:

class FooBar extends NS\AdminBundle\Entity\AdminSoftDeletableEntity
    public function __toString()
        return 'somestring';

You can extend BaseAdminEntity instead, if you don't need soft delete functionality.

Create the entity repository, extend AbstractAdminManagedRepository, and define the constructor:

class FooBarRepository extends NS\AdminBundle\Repository\AbstractAdminManagedRepository
    public function __construct(Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry $registry)
        parent::__construct($registry, FooBar::class);

Create the entity service, extend AdminService, and define the getClass() method:

class FooBarService extends NS\AdminBundle\Service\AdminService
    public function getClass(): string
        return FooBar::class;

Create the edit form for your entity:

class FooBarEditType extends Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType
    public function buildForm()

Create the admin list template for your entity, extending '@NSAdmin/list.html.twig'. Define the following blocks:

  • model_create_icon
  • list_column_headers
  • list_row blocks

If using a 'view' page instead of proceeding straight from the list to the edit form, override view_button, uncomment the button code, and modify as needed, then create the view template and extend '@NSAdmin/view.html.twig'

Create the admin controller for your entity, extending AbstractAdminController and define the following methods:

class FoobarAdminController extends NS\AdminBundle\Controller\AbstractAdminController
    public function __construct(FooBarService $admin_service)
    protected function getEditFormClass(): string
        return FooBarEditType::class;
    protected function getListTemplate(): string
        return 'path/to/list.html.twig';

    //Only needed if using a view template:
    protected function getViewTemplate(): string
        return 'path/to/view.html.twig';


The built-in routing will automatically route requests to a controller matching the format %Entityclass%AdminController, where %Entityclass% is an initial-caps variant of your entity class name.

{{ path('admin_model_index', {'_admin_model'=>'foobar'}) }}

For our example of FooBar, and admin controller class of FoobarAdminController will be automatically routed to; FooBarAdminController will require manual routing.

To add an entry to the MenuBuilder in ColorAdminBundle, use the parameters ['route' => 'admin_model_index', 'routeParameters' => ['_admin_model' => 'foobar']]