
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Extends Laravel's FormBuilder to lay out form elements for Bootstrap or Foundation

2.0.1 2015-05-27 16:45 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2017-03-16 10:22:33 UTC


Extends the laravelcollective/html FormBuilder object (Form:: facade) to automatically output form fields with Foundation- or Bootstrap-specific wrapping markup around them.


With foundationBasicGrid selected, the following call:

{{ Form::text('name',null,['errors'=>$errors]) }}

Will output:

<div class="row">
    <div class="medium-12 columns">
        <label for="name">
            <input id="name" placeholder="Name" maxlength="150"
                name="name" type="text" value="Parent Organization">

If there is a validation error on the field, it will output:

<div class="row">
    <div class="medium-12 columns">
        <label for="name">
            <input id="name" placeholder="Name" maxlength="150"
                name="name" type="text" value="Parent Organization">
            <small class="error">The img field is required.</small>

You can easily change the grid column classes, and if you use bootstrapBasicGrid the equivalent Bootstrap 3 markup will be used.


  1. Require "npmweb/laravel-forms": "^2.0" in your composer.json file.
  2. Run composer install or composer update to download it and have the autoloader updated.3.
  3. Open app/config/app.php and make the following changes under the providers key: a. If 'Collective\Html\HtmlServiceProvider' is there, comment it out b. Add 'NpmWeb\FormBuilder\HtmlServiceProvider'


You will probably want to change the default configuration. First, publish the package config file:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NpmWeb\FormBuilder\HtmlServiceProvider"

The following options are available:

  • 'driver': Defaults to 'foundationBasicGrid' (Foundation 5) but can also be set to 'bootstrapBasicGrid' (Bootstrap 3). This changes what markup is generated to fit with the given CSS framework's default form layout.
  • 'col_width': The grid class for the form field's container element. For example, in Foundation 'large-6' will make the container take up 6 out of 12 columns.
  • 'row_per_field': Defaults to false, in which case each form field is outputted directly, and you have to wrap it in a row yourself. If you set it to true, each form field container is wrapped in a row, forcing it to be one field per row.

Here's some more information about the included drivers:

  • foundationBasicGrid: Uses the basic Foundation form markup, with a <label> tag wrapping the inputs. Layed out within a grid row and column.
  • bootstrapBasicGrid: Uses the basic Bootstrap form markup, with a <label> tag as a prior-child of the input. Layed out within a grid row and column.


Just use any of Laravel's normal Form:: methods, such as Form::text() or Form::select(). Instead of outputting the bare form control, it will also output the wrapping DOM elements appropriate to your selected CSS framework.

Additionally, a Form::readonly() method has been added. This outputs a read-only value wrapped in the same DOM elements, allowing you to include read-only "fields" in your forms.


This code is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.