
Package to evaluate and parse dutch addresses

v2.0.0 2023-08-16 06:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 10:26:30 UTC


Dutch address parser is a library to parse address lines into the segments street, number and suffix.

packagist version

Example: Plein 1926 12 A

Will be parsed to:


Composer is used to install this package

composer require noxxienl/nladdresslexer

Upgrade from 1.x

2.x requires a minimum of php 8.1 to run. Support for php 8 and lower has been dropped.

To upgrade from 1.x simply update your composer file with

"noxxienl/nladdresslexer": "^2.0"

and run:

composer update noxxienl/nladdresslexer


use noxxienl\nladdresslexer\Parser;

$parser = new Parser;
$parser->evaluate('Plein 1926 12 A');

echo $parser->getStreet() . "\r\n"; // Plein 1926
echo $parser->getNumber() . "\r\n"; // 12
echo $parser->getSuffix() . "\r\n"; // A

echo $parser->getOriginalString();

Usage with splitting address

Sometimes you may have address that does not have the format street, number & suffix. To let the parser correctly do its work you need to split the string on your own before the parser can do its work.

For example: 50 A, Ringweg Zuid / Rijksweg A20

use noxxienl\nladdresslexer\Parser;

$parser = new Parser;

list($number, $street) = explode(', ', '50 A, Ringweg Zuid / Rijksweg A20');
$parser->evaluate($street, $number);

echo $parser->getStreet() . "\r\n"; // Ringweg Zuid / Rijgsweg A20
echo $parser->getNumber() . "\r\n"; // 50
echo $parser->getSuffix() . "\r\n"; // A

echo $parser->getOriginalString();

Usage for splitting only numbers

Sometimes you may wish to split only the number and suffix. You can do so by setting the formatting of the parser to the following before executing the parsing:


Be carefull: When setting the address format, it is changed for every parsing to beyond that point. Reset the format to its original state when you want to parse a full address:



Testing is done using pestphp. (


To run the tests.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Submit a issue to the github repository and if you can find the fix be sure to also submit a pull request!
