
v1.0 2019-11-21 06:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-13 11:15:46 UTC



Install via Composer

If you do not have Composer, you may install it by following the instructions at

You can then install this library using the following command:

composer require nowmovesoft/helpers

Basic usage


use nms\helpers\DateHelper;

 * Gets years range or one year if specified year is current.
 * For example, in 2019 it returns "2019", but in 2020 it returns "2019-2020"
echo DateHelper::getYearsRange(2019);


If you have a method, which returns a class name, you can use ObjectHelper instead of this construction:

use nms\helpers\ObjectHelper;

// instead of using tempotary variable...
$className = Module::getInstance()->useClass;
$model = new $className($paramOne, $paramTwo /* Other parameters */);

// can use ObjectHelper
$model = ObjectHelper::create(Module::getInstance()->useClass, $paramOne, $paramTwo /* Other parameters */);

If you want to call static method, you can use ObjectHelper instead of this construction:

use nms\helpers\ObjectHelper;

// instead of this...
$result = Module::getInstance()->useClass::staticMethod($paramOne, $paramTwo /* Other parameters */);

// can use ObjectHelper
$result = ObjectHelper::call(Module::getInstance()->useClass, 'staticMethod', $paramOne, $paramTwo /* Other parameters */);

If you want to populate your public class properties you can do it this way:

use nms\helpers\ObjectHelper;

$object = new class {
    public $property = false;

$object = ObjectHelper::configure($object, ['property' => true]); // name-value pairs

var_dump($object->property); // true