
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-main) of this package.

dev-main 2024-02-12 11:54 UTC


Repository Tracking

  • Frontend scaffolding (custom implementation of Breeze)
  • Roles and Permissions scaffolding
  • Model logging scaffolding
  • User History scaffolding
  • Error Central scaffolding
  • Repository Pattern scaffolding



composer require novatura/laravel



Install basic login/register functionality with Mantine UI.

php artisan novatura:scaffold:install

Make Inertia page

php artisan novatura:make:page {name}

Local Development

Local development is a bit tricky, because we need to mount this repository into the docker container of a sandbox/testing project.

The following steps are going to have you create a fresh laravel project and mount this repository into it.

  1. Create a fresh Laravel project with Sail somewhere other than this repository

    • laravel new sandbox && cd sandbox
    • composer require laravel/sail --dev
    • php artisan sail:install
      • When prompted, select mysql, redis and mailpit
  2. Add this repository as a package by adding the following to the end of your ./composer.json

        "repositories": [
                "type": "path",
                "url": "/Users/{username}/code/novatura/laravel",
                "options": {
                    "symlink": false

    This tells composer to check both the online repo and the local path for a package when you run composer install.

    I'm sure you can get a relative path to work, I just haven't bothered. Absolute paths work fine. Make sure you change {username} to your actual username. (now is probably a good time to say I have only tested any of this on MacOS)

  3. Install package: composer require novatura/laravel @dev

    • The @dev is required - it won't work without it.
    • If you ever get an error about not finding a release - it's because you forgot the @dev.
  4. Publish sail's docker-compose.yml file: php artisan sail:publish

  5. Modify the ./docker-compose.yml to mount this repo:


        - '.:/var/www/html'


        - '.:/var/www/html'
        - '/Users/{username}/code/novatura/laravel:/var/www/html/vendor/novatura/laravel'

    If you forgot to include Mailpit when setting up sail, add it as a service to docker-compose.json:

        image: 'axllent/mailpit:latest'
            - '${FORWARD_MAILPIT_PORT:-1025}:1025'
            - '${FORWARD_MAILPIT_DASHBOARD_PORT:-8025}:8025'
            - sail
  6. Start sail: ./vendor/bin/sail up

  7. Link storage: ./vendor/bin/sail artisan storage:link

  8. Make a git commit in your sandbox project

    • This is so that you can constantly roll back to the clean slate 😉

At this stage, you can use our commands and such, e.g. php artisan novatura:scaffold:install

Whenever you want to test a command or a change, you'll want to reinstall the package so that it sends the latest code to the docker container!

For example:

composer require novatura/laravel @dev && php artisan novatura:scaffold:install

With Sail running, you can access all outbound emails by going to http://localhost:8025 in your browser (Mailpit dashboard).