
mmDbDaemon is a memory-resident MaxMind Database reader implementation in PHP.

1.8 2023-11-29 14:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-14 09:22:45 UTC


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 |_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|____/|_.__/|____/ \__,_|\___|_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|

mmDbDaemon is a memory-resident MaxMind Database reader implementation in PHP.

Instead of loading the MaxMind database over and over again for multiple queries, mmDbDaemon offers a simple way to run queries on a persistent memory-resident object that forks separate processes in parallel and re-using the same database.


  • JSON reply
  • Listen on IP address/port or UNIX sockets
  • Support for signals


Install with RPM packages

You may install mmDbDaemon via the copr repository, for Alma/Rocky/Oracle Enterprise Linux and Fedora, simply use:

dnf copr enable mksanthi/noumenia
dnf install mmDbDaemon

Install with Composer

You may install mmDbDaemon with composer, to get the latest version use the create-project command, the last dot is important because it tells composer to save the files in the current directory.

composer create-project noumenia/mmdbdaemon .

How to use

Once the daemon is running, connect to the socket or IP/port and send the IP address terminated by a NULL. The daemon will respond with a JSON-formatted database result.

Usage: mmdbdaemon [OPTION]...

  -V,  --version             display version information only
  -h,  --help                display help about parameters
  -v,  --verbose             enable verbose output to stdout

  -u,  --user                Effective user
  -g,  --group               Effective group
  -p,  --pid                 PID file
  -l,  --processlimit        Process limit
  -c,  --connection          Connection string
  -a,  --autoload            MaxMind DB Reader PHP autoload.php file
  -m,  --mmdb                MMDB file (eg: GeoLite2-City.mmdb)

  The connection string can be a UNIX socket or an IPv4/IPv6 address/port.
  UNIX Socket  : unix:/run/mmDbDaemon/mmDbDaemon.sock
  Address/port : inet:9999@

Example client


// Connect to a socket and open a stream
$fp = @stream_socket_client("unix:///run/mmDbDaemon/mmDbDaemon.sock", $errno, $errstr);

// or to connect via TCP
// $fp = stream_socket_client("tcp://", $errno, $errstr);

// IP address terminated by a NULL character
fwrite($fp, "\0");

// Loop
while(!feof($fp)) {

	// Read from the stream
	echo fgets($fp, 1024);


// Close the stream

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