
Artisan commands to Laravel apps that utilizes Domain Driven Design.

1.0 2021-09-18 15:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-18 22:46:15 UTC



composer require notiv/laravel-domain-commands

Add CommandLoader::loadCommands() to app/Console/Kernel.php


+use Notiv\Console\CommandLoader;

class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
    protected function commands()
        $this->load(__DIR__ . '/Commands');

+       CommandLoader::loadCommands();

        require base_path('routes/console.php');

Not a good solution, but i don't know how else I can register commands after everything

Add "Domain\\": "app/Domain/" to composer.json

"autoload": {
  "psr-4": {
      "App\\": "app/",
+     "Domain\\": "app/Domain/",
      "Database\\Factories\\": "database/factories/",
      "Database\\Seeders\\": "database/seeders/"

You can publish config, if you want

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="domain-commands-config"

Domain Commands

  • make:model <domain:model>

    Create a new Eloquent model class

    Example: php artisan make:model User:User


    • --force Create the class even if the model already exists
    • -a, --all Generate a migration, seeder & factory for the model
    • -f, --factory Create a new factory for the model
    • -m, --migration Create a new migration file for the model
    • -s, --seed Create a new seeder file for the model
    • -p, --pivot Indicates if the generated model should be a custom intermediate table model
  • make:action <domain:action>

    Create an action for a given domain

    Example: php artisan make:action User:CreateUserAction

  • make:dto <domain:dto>

    Create a dto for a given domain

    Example: php artisan make:dto User:CreateUserDTO

    You should install for convenience


    • -r, --request DTO file with static fromRequest method
  • make:cast <domain:cast>

    Create a new custom Eloquent cast class

    Example: php artisan make:cast User:JsonCast

  • make:collection <domain:collection>

    Create a collection for a given domain

    Example: php artisan make:collection User:UserCollection

  • make:event <domain:event>

    Create a new event class

    Example: php artisan make:event User:UserCreatedEvent

  • make:enum <domain:enum>

    Create an enum for a given domain

    Example: php artisan make:enum User:UserColorEnum

  • make:listener <domain:listener>

    Create a new event listener class

    Example: php artisan make:listener User:SendSlackMessage -e User:UserCreatedEvent --queued


    • --queued Indicates the event listener should be queued
    • -e, --event=<domain:event> The event class being listened for
  • make:observer <domain:observer>

    Create a new observer class

    Example: php artisan make:observer User:UserObserver -m User:User


    • -m, --model=<domain:model> The model that the observer applies to
  • make:policy <domain:policy>

    Create a new policy class

    Example: php artisan make:policy User:UserPolicy -m User:Post


    • -m, --model=<domain:model> The model that the policy applies to
    • -g, --guard=<domain:model> The guard that the policy relies on
  • make:query-builder <domain:query-builder>

    Create a query builder for a given domain

    Example: php artisan make:query-builder User:UserQueryBuilder

  • make:rule <domain:rule>

    Create a new validation rule

    Example: php artisan make:rule User:PasswordMinlengthRule


    • -i, --implicit Generate an implicit rule

Application Commands

  • make:controller <domain:controller>

    Create a new controller class

    Example: php artisan make:controller User:UserController


    • --force Create the class even if the controller already exists
    • --api Exclude the create and edit methods from the controller
    • -i, --invokable Generate a single method, invokable controller class
    • -m <domain:model>, --model=<domain:model> Generate a resource controller for the given model
    • -p <domain:model>, --parent=<domain:model> Generate a nested resource controller class
    • -r, --resource Generate a resource controller class
  • make:request <domain:request>

    Create a new form request class

    Example: php artisan make:request User:LoginRequest

  • make:job <domain:job>

    Create a new job class

    Example: php artisan make:job User:SendMessageJob


    • --sync Indicates that job should be synchronous
  • make:mail <domain:mail>

    Create a new email class

    Example: php artisan make:mail User:WelcomeUser


    • -f, --force Create the class even if the mailable already exists
    • -m, --markdown[=MARKDOWN] Create a new Markdown template for the mailable
  • make:notification <domain:notification>

    Create a new notification class

    Example: php artisan make:notification User:InvoicePaid


    • -f, --force Create the class even if the notification already exists
    • -m, --markdown[=MARKDOWN] Create a new Markdown template for the notification
  • make:middleware <domain:middleware>

    Create a new middleware class

    Example: php artisan make:middleware User:AuthMiddleware

  • make:resource <domain:resource>

    Create a new resource class

    Example: php artisan make:resource User:UserResource


    • -c, --collection Create a resource collection
  • make:component <domain:component>

    Create a new view component class

    Example: php artisan make:component User:UserComponent


    • --force Create the class even if the component already exists
    • --inline Create a component that renders an inline view
  • make:view-model <domain:view-model>

    Create a view-model for a given app

    Example: php artisan make:view-model User:UsersViewModel

Database Commands

  • make:factory <domain:factory>

    Create a new model factory

    Example: php artisan make:factory UserFactory


    • -m <domain:model>, --model=<domain:model> Bind factory to the model

