
PSR-3 compliant logging, and global stopwatch timer.

dev-main 2024-11-10 11:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-10 11:25:32 UTC


PSR-3 compliant logging implementation, for easy global logging.

The package provides two key classes:

Northrook\Logger();     // a PSR-3 compliant logger.
Northrook\Logger\Log(); // a static accessor to any PSR-3 compliant logger. 

The goal of this package is to provide easy logging across your PHP application, especially in scenarios where dependency injection may be cumbersome or impractical.

Using the static Log class, you can easily log directly to a LoggerInterface instance.

Think of it as a facade or proxy to a LoggerInterface instance.

If you are a stickler for OOP, you can just use the Logger class directly.


Install the latest version with composer:

composer require northrook/logger

Basic Usage

The Log class is a static accessor to a set LoggerInterface..

use Northrook\Logger\Log;

Log::info( 'Hello World!' );

When any of the Log methods are called, the logger will instantiate a new Logger object if it has not been instantiated yet.

The included Logger will be the default.

Assigning a Logger

You can manually assign a LoggerInterface using Log::setLogger():

use Northrook\Logger\Log;

    logger: new Logger(), // LoggerInterface
    import: true,         // bool - default: true

If setLogger is provided a Northrook\Logger instance, it will import any log entries any previous LoggerInterface.

If you want to just override the current LoggerInterface without importing, pass false as the second argument:

    logger: new Logger(), 
    import: false, 

This is useful when you need to instantiate an arbitrary LoggerInterface earlier in your code, and later use the included Northrook\Logger class.

The Log will act as a proxy to the LoggerInterface instance, using the included Northrook\Logger class is not required at all.

Log - Static Accessor

It provides all the PSR-3 methods, with a few extras.

The arbitrary log() is replaced by the Log::entry() method.

Logging Exceptions

The Log class provides a method to easily log exceptions:

use Northrook\Logger\Log;

try {
    $variable = \file_get_contents( 'data.json' );
} catch( \Exception $exception ) {
        $exception,   // required
        level: null,  // optional
        message: null // optional
        context: [],  // optional

// logged as:
0 => 'warning',
1 => 'ile_get_contents(data.json): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory',
2 => [ 'exception' => $exception ],

It will parse the exception and log it accordingly.

It will not overwrite the $level or $message if they are provided.

The $context['exception'] will be set to the provided $$exception.

Precision Timestamps

When setting a LoggerInterfacing using Log::setLogger(), you can pass a bool $precision argument, setting the static $enablePrecision property.


The default value is true. It is recommended to set this value according to your environment, as it can be expensive in production.

When Log::setLogger() is first called, a static int will be assigned to the hrtime(true). This is used to calculate the DeltaMs and OffsetMs values.

Each Log::entry() has the ?bool $precision argument, which is null by default, using the static $enablePrecision property.

Use this to set $precision for the current Log::entry() call.

use Northrook\Logger\Log;

    logger: new Logger(), 
    import: true, 
    precision: true, // default: true

// enable precision for the current entry
Log::entry( 'Hello World!', precision: true );

// disable precision for the current entry
Log::entry( 'Hello World!', precision: false );

Entries logged with $precision will have the following keys added to the $context array:

'precision' => [
    "hrTime" => 330531205286100 // The hrtime at the time of the log entry
    "hrDelta" => 1081000        // The difference the current entry and first `Log::entry()` call
    "DeltaMs" => "1.08ms"       // Time since initial `Log::setLogger()` call in milliseconds
    "OffsetMs" => "0.0079ms"    // Time since the previous `Log::entry( .. precision: true )` call in milliseconds


The provided Logger class is a PSR-3 compliant logger, extending the Psr\Log\AbstractLogger, implementing the Psr\Log\LoggerInterface interface.

It provides access to all the PSR-3 methods, and is a drop-in replacement for any Psr\Log\LoggerInterface instance.

In addition, it a few simple methods for managing log entries:

$logger = new Northrook\Logger();

$logger->log( ... )          // log an entry using the PSR-3 standard
$logger->hasLogs() : bool    // check if there are any log entries
$logger->getLogs() : array   // get all log entries, without manipulating them
$logger->cleanLogs() : array // get all log entries, and clear them
$logger->clear()             // clear all log entries, without getting them
$logger->count() : int       // count all log entries
$logger->import( $logger )   // import log entries from another LoggerInterface
$logger->printLogs() : array // get an array of each entry as a human-readable string

The printLogs() method is useful for quickly printing all log entries.

It will not prefix a timestamp by default. Pass true as the first argument to prefix the timestamp.

// example:
$logger->entries = [ 
    0 => 'warning',
    1 => 'ile_get_contents(data.json): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory',
    2 => [ 'exception' => $exception ],

// default:
0 => 'Warning: file_get_contents(data.json): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory'

// with timestamp:
0 => '[2024-06-20T06:47:47+00:00] Warning: file_get_contents(data.json): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory'

If the Logger is destroyed without first calling cleanLogs(), the printLogs() method will print the logs to the PHP error log.


Licensed under the MIT Licence, and is free to use in any project.


BufferingLogger - Nicolas Grekas