
PHP Helpers.

2.0.8 2018-05-30 20:01 UTC


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PHP Common is a PHP library containing a set of common functionality.

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To use ArrayUtil you need to import it.

use Northern\Common\Util\ArrayUtil as Arr;


To get a value from an array use get:

$a = array(
   'foo' => 'bar'

$value = Arr::get( $a, 'foo' );

// $value == 'bar'

You can specify a default value in case the key you're trying to retrieve doesn't exists:

$value = Arr::get( $a, 'baz', NULL );

// $value == NULL

To get a nested value from an array you can specify a path:

$a = array(
   'foo' => array(
      'bar' => array(
         'baz' => 123

$value = Arr::get( $a, '' );

// $value == 123

If required, you can use an alternate delimiter:

$value = Arr::getPath( $a, 'foo/bar/baz', NULL, '/' );

// $value == 123


To set a value or nested value use the set method:

$a = array();

Arr::set( $a, '', 123 );

// $a = array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => array( 'baz' => 123 ) ) );

If the key or path not already exist, it will be created.


With insert you can create a new value at a path or key, however, the path will only be created if it does not yet exists.

$a = array();

Arr::set( $a, '', 123 );

Arr::insert( $a, '', 123 );

// The insert statement does nothing.


It's also possible to delete a key or path:

Arr::delete( $a, '' );    

Or to delete multiple paths or keys at once:

Arr::delete( $a, array('fum', '', '') );

Or with an alternate delimiter:

Arr::delete( $a, array('fum', 'foo/bar/baz', 'foo/bar/bob'), '/' );


To test if a key or path exists use:

$value = Arr::exists( $a, '' );

// $value == TRUE


If you need to prefix all the values in an array, use the prefix method:

$a = array('1', '2', '3');

$values = Arr::prefix( $a, '$' );

// $values = array('$1', '$2', '$3');


If you need to postfix all the values in an array, use the postfix method:

$a = array('1', '2', '3');

$values = Arr::postfix( $a, '$' );

// $values = array('1$', '2$', '3$');


Sometimes you need to "flatten" an array, i.e. glueing the keys and values together with a symbol or character:

$a = array('param1' => '123', 'param2' => 'xyz');

$values = Arr::flatten( $a );

// $values = array('param1=123', 'param2=xyz');

Or use a different 'glue' character from the default '=':

$values = Arr::flatten( $a, '|' );

// $values = array( 'param1|123', 'param2|xyz' );


Returns the keys of an array in the same way the array_keys function works, however, keys allows you to specifiy a prefix:

$a = array('param1' => '123', 'param2' => 'xyz');

$values = Arr::keys( $a, '&' );

// $values = array( '&param1', '&param2' )


Returns the values of an array in the same way the array_values function works, however, values allows you to specify a prefix:

$a = array('param1' => '123', 'param2' => 'xyz');

$values = Arr::values( $a, '&' );

// $values = array( '&123', '&xyz' )


Tests if the values of one array exist in another. E.g:

$b = Arr::contains( array('A', 'B'), array('A', 'B', 'C') );

// $b = TRUE

The above tests if the values of the first array (needle) exist in the second array (haystack), which in the above example is true.


Returns a value from an array and deletes the key in the array.

$a = array(
   'foo' => 'bar'

$value = Arr::extract( $a, 'foo' );

// $value == 'bar'
// $a = array()

The above example returns the value for foo from the array and deletes the foo key from the array.