
Tool which allow a developper to create or maintain a Symfony application or a Symfony bundle very easily and without install something on his workstation

Installs: 9 425

Dependents: 3

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Security: 0

Stars: 24

Watchers: 14

Forks: 13

Open Issues: 4


1.1.0 2018-12-13 16:23 UTC


Rothenberg allows a developer to create or maintain a Symfony application or bundle very easily and without installing anything on his workstation (Mac or PC, Windows is not currently supported).
It is not a standalone project, so it must be used in the context of an another project.


You must have an UNIX operating system, docker, GNU make and an Internet access to use Rothenberg.

To develop or maintain a Symfony application, execute the following command in a terminal:

wget -O - | sh

Or to use it in the context of a Symfony bundle, do:

(export TARGET=bundle; wget -O - | sh)

Rothenberg use a docker image during the installation process. To be sure to use the latest version of this image, prefix the above commands with docker pull norsys/rothenberg:

docker pull norsys/rothenberg && wget -O - | sh

But… maybe you should read the following information before executing one of these commands!


In the following, we assume that the command make install was made in the directory path/to/project.

Docker and docker-compose configuration

Rothenberg creates a docker-compose.yml with some services pre-configured and an empty docker-compose.override.yml (only if this file does not exist) in the directory path/to/project.
If you want to override some services configuration, use docker-compose.override.yml.

Docker images management

Rothenberg pulls the latest version of each docker image via make start or make restart (see below for more information about these commands).

These images are:

  • nginx ;
  • php-fpm ;
  • php-cli ;
  • composer ;
  • node .

It's possible to disable this feature via the .rothenberg.config file.

Default PHP configuration for CLI and FPM

Rothenberg provides a php.ini for CLI and FPM in path/to/project/env/php/cli and path/to/project/env/php/fpm respectively.

Helpers to hide docker and docker-compose

Rothenberg provides several helpers in path/to/project/bin to hide docker and docker-compose complexities.
So, all scripts in path/to/project/bin can be run in the traditional way even if docker is used in the background.
For example, to update PHP dependencies, just do bin/composer update.

Atoum configuration

Rothenberg installs files path/to/project/.atoum.php, an atoum runner and a base test class in path/to/project/tests/units.

Automated nginx virtual host management

Rothenberg provides an automated nginx virtual host management via the make variable VIRTUAL_HOST.
To define the virtual host for your project, define its value before including ./env/Makefile (see below for more information about that):


include env/Makefile


Rothenberg allows you to share an nginx-proxy docker's service between several projects, or any other services.
For that purpose, it creates a network named according to the value of make's ROTHENBERG_NETWORK variable, which has rothenberg as default value.
If you want to override its value, in the project's Makefile, just add ROTHENBERG_NETWORK := yourNetworkName before including env/Makefile (see below for more information about that).

Environment management

Rothenberg allows you to install a project in several environments using the make variable ENV and SYMFONY_ENV.
Default value of ENV is dev, and the default value of SYMFONY_ENV is ENV.
So, to install a project in a prod environmment using the dev Symfony environment, just do:

# make install ENV=prod SYMFONY_ENV=dev

By default, the Symfony debug mode is enabled, but you can disable it using the make variable SYMFONY_DEBUG:

# make install SYMFONY_DEBUG=false

Private PHP package management

Rothenberg can handle SSH key needed to access some private PHP packages via composer.
Out of the box, it will use the key $(HOME)/.ssh/id_rsa, but you can override this using make <target> SSH_KEY=/path/to/your/ssh/key. Your secret key will never be copied by Rothenberg.

Default Makefile

If your project has no Makefile during its installation, Rothenberg provides a default Makefile for it.
Moreover, it provides in path/to/project/env a Makefile with some interesting targets (see below).
This Makefile is already included in the default Makefile provided by Rothenberg.
If the project already has a Makefile before Rothenberg installation, add include env/Makefile in it to use Rothenberg targets.

Project Management

Rothenberg allows you to use make to manage a project, with the following make targets:

  • install install localy docker-compose, php-(?:cli|fpm), composer, node, npm, nginx and configure them ;
  • reinstall restart the project ;
  • uninstall to uninstall the project ;
  • start start all services needed by the website (nginx, php-fpm…) ;
  • stop stop all services needed by the project ;
  • restart restart all services ;
  • status display status of each services ;
  • security to check security of PHP dependencies ;
  • check-style-php to check PHP coding convention according to env/php/check-style.xml ;
  • fix-style-php to fix PHP coding convention according to env/php/check-style.xml ;
  • unit-tests to run all unit tests ;
  • rothenberg/update to update Rothenberg (see the Update section below) ;
  • help display a tiny help about each of available commands.

Some of these targets are available only if you use rothenberg to develop an application.
Use make help to know available targets according to your type of project.

Git configuration

Rothenberg installs files .gitignore and .gitattribute with default values in the directory path/to/project.
Moreover, it installs a pre-commit hook to check coding convention via make check-style.

Assets watcher

Rothenberg provides an assets watcher via bin/watchodg, which is automatically started via make start or make restart.


For an application

You can install Rothenberg in a new project or in an existing one.
For example, if your project is an application located in path/to/project:

  1. cd path/to/project ;
  2. Do wget -O - | sh.

Once the install is done, if you already have a ./Makefile, just add include env/Makefile in it to profit of Rothenberg's targets.
You can also define VIRTUAL_HOST variable before including env/Makefile (see above for more informations).
Moreover, you can edit ./docker-compose.override.yml to add specific docker services or networks.
Finaly, do make start to download PHP depedencies and start services.

For a bundle

  1. cd path/to/project ;
  2. Do (export TARGET=bundle; wget -O - | sh).

Once the install is done, if you already have a ./Makefile, just add include env/Makefile in it to profit of Rothenberg's targets.
Moreover, you can edit ./docker-compose.override.yml to add specific docker services or networks.

Common steps for application and bundle

After installation was done, you can add and commit all new files in your project (yes, really, commit them in your project):

  1. git add . ;
  2. git commit -m "<WHATEVER YOU WANT>" ;
  3. git push.

Configuration for a project

Configuration of docker and docker-compose

If your project needs some aditionnal docker services, define them in the ./docker-compose.override.yml.
For example, to add mysql, edit ./docker-compose.override.yml and add this in the services section:

	image: mysql:5.6.31
		- ./var/mysql:/var/lib/mysql

If you want to link the mysql service to php-fpm, add this in the services section:

		- mysql

If you want to know all services defined by Rothenberg, do make rothenberg-docker-services.
For more informations about ./docker-compose.override.yml, please read its official documentation and the docker-compose file reference.

Configuration of make

You can add prerequisites for targets defined by Rothenberg.
For example, if you want to create the directory var/mysql via make, add in ./Makefile after the include of ./env/Makefile:

vendor/autoload.php: | var/mysql

uninstall/var: uninstall/var/mysql

        $(MKDIR) $@

Some special targets defined by Rothenberg are used in this example:

  • vendor/autoload.php is the trigger for vendor installation via composer ;
  • uninstall/var is the target used to clean the path/to/project/var directory ;

Moreover, the target uninstall/var/mysql is handled by the pattern rule uninstall/% which delete any file or directory defined by wildcard %.

If you want to know all targets defined by Rothenberg to add some prerequisites to them, just do make rothenberg-targets.
For more informations about make' syntax and features, please read its official documentation.

Configuration of PHP

You can customize PHP's configuration in CLI and FPM context.
To do that for CLI context, edit path/to/project/env/php/cli/php.ini (or path/to/project/env/php/fpm/php.ini for FPM) and execute make restart. For more information about PHP configuration, please read its official documentation.

Check styling

Out of the box, Rothenberg provides PHP style checking configured via path/to/project/env/check-style.xml and make check-style, but you can add style checking for some other languages. For example, to add style checking for JavaScript using eslint, add this in path/to/project/Makefile:

check-style: check-style-js

check-style-js: | bin/node ## Check coding conventions for JavaScript.
	bin/node eslint -c .eslintrc --ignore-path .eslintignore ./src


To update Rothenberg in a project, just do:

  1. make rothenberg/update ;
  2. git add . ;
  3. git commit -m "<WHATEVER YOU WANT>" ;
  4. git push.

Houston? We've got a problem!

First, don't panic. If you're using Fedora and have troubles with the make install command, use make install ENV=dev instead. Then execute docker system prune -f to clean the docker environment, and try to reproduce the problem.
If the problem disappears, say thanks to Gandalf and enjoy!
But if the problem always exists, open an issue to help us to improve rothenberg.
If you open an issue, describe your problem precisely and give maximum information about your environment:

  • Operating system ;
  • docker version, do docker --version to obtain it ;
  • docker-compose version, do docker-compose --version to obtain it ;
  • make version, do make --version to obtain it ;
  • Give output of docker ps -a ;
  • Give output of docker network ls ;

Moreover, if you encounter a problem during installation, reexecute it with (export WITH_DEBUG=yes; wget -O - | sh), and add the output to your issue.
And if you encounter a problem during a make command execution, reexecute it with make <YOUR TARGET HERE> WITH_DEBUG=yes, and add the output to your issue.
Finaly, you can join the channel ##rothenberg on the IRC network freenode:

  1. Download an IRC client ;
  2. Configure it with your personal information ;
  3. Use it to connect to the freenode network ;
  4. Do /j ##rothenberg ;
  5. Say Hello!.


About workflow

We're using pull request to introduce new features and bug fixes.
Please, try to be explicit in your commit messages:

  1. Explain why the change was made ;
  2. Explain technical implementation (you can provide links to any relevant tickets, articles or other resources).

You can use the following template:

# If applied, this commit will...

# Explain why this change is being made

# Provide links to any relevant tickets, articles or other resources

To use it, just put it in a text file in (for example) your home and define it as a template:

# git config --global commit.template ~/.git_commit_template.txt

About testing

There are some make targets to test Rothenberg, especially install and update of bundle and application.
To run them, just do make tests.
Please, do not omit to update tests before implemeting new feature or doing a bug fix.
To update tests, just update the content of the references directory.

Languages and tools


Primary version of Rothenberg was born in the PHP business unit of Norsys, based in Lyon, France.
It was made with love to industrialize our PHP development based upon Symfony.
This project was a success, because we can now bootstrap a project or integrate a team and start to develop some features of fix bugs in a few minutes.
So, we decided to open-source it, because we think that this kind of tools must be shared with the PHP community.

Why Rothenberg?

David Rothenberg is a book author and a song composer who has made music with whales 🐳.
This project uses docker, which has a 🐳 as logo, composer and docker-compose to set up a Symfony environment.
So, Rothenberg seems to be a good choice as name ;).