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Orm for nomess

1.0.8 2020-10-18 19:44 UTC


nomess / orm is a very powerful orm requiring little configuration.

!!! This project is no longer maintained

It supports Mysql and PostgreSql.


find($classname : string, $idOrSql : int|string|null, $parameters = [] : array): object|array|null

  use Nomess\Component\Orm\EntityManagerInterface;
  $entityManager = new EntityManager(...)
  // On select all
  $samples = $entityManager->find(Sample::class); 
  // Select one
  $sample = $entityManager->find(Sample::class, 1);
  // Select with Sql
  $samples = $entityManager->find(Sample::class, 'username = :username', [
    'username' => 'nomess'