
Laravel uptime monitor.

v0.0.8 2021-03-10 13:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-10 20:40:01 UTC


The NoardCode Laravel Uptime Monitor package provides a simple tool for monitoring the status of any number of URLs and it's SSL certificates. Add URLs to the monitoring queue and receive events when the URL or it's SSL certificate is checked. The package uses concurrent requests to speed up the monitoring.


This package can be installed as every other composer dependency.

composer require noardcode/uptime-monitor

Publish the package files to your project.

php artisan vendor:publish

NOTE: Don't forget to add the published files to your Git repository.

Migrate the database.

php artisan migrate

Add the monitoring console commands to your /app/Console/Kernel.php and make sure it gets called every minute (request intervals can be configured in the configuration file).

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)


After publishing you'll find the file uptime-monitor.php in your default Laravel config directory.

Within this configuration file you can set a number of Guzzle options, determine the request interval per URL and the amount of concurrent requests.


The package will dispatch several events which you may use in your application. These events are:

  • Noardcode\UptimeMonitor\Events\MonitorAvailable (the URL is available)
  • Noardcode\UptimeMonitor\Events\MonitorUnavailable (the URL is unavailable)
  • Noardcode\UptimeMonitor\Events\MonitorRestored (the URL is restored after downtime)

The events can be catched by your Laravel application by adding them to your /app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php file.

protected $listen = [
    MonitorAvailable::class => [
        TestListener::class, // Replace with your own listener.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited. We accept contributions via Pull Requests on Github.

Pull Requests

  • PSR-2 Coding Standard - The easiest way to apply the conventions is to install PHP Code Sniffer.
  • Document any change in behaviour - Make sure the and any other relevant documentation are kept up-to-date.
  • Create feature branches - Don't ask us to pull from your master branch.
  • One pull request per feature - If you want to do more than one thing, send multiple pull requests.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.