
Web application framework

dev-master 2016-09-18 08:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-14 15:01:56 UTC


Gongo is a micro web application framework for PHP 5.2 or later. It is successor to Picowa and PicowaCore framework with GongoDB.


Using composer:

    "require": {
        "no22/gongo": "dev-master"

Manual install:

Download the library and put it in your include path.


    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?__url__=$1 [QSA,L]


    define('PATH_TO_SRC', '/path/to/src');
    // using composer
    require PATH_TO_SRC . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    // or require PATH_TO_SRC . "path/to/gongo.php";
    require PATH_TO_SRC . '/apps/your_application/app.php';

Application directory:

See example directory.

  • apps
    • your_application
      • app
        • (application specific classes)
      • config
        • config.ini (configuration file)
        • development.ini (configuration file for development)
        • production.ini (configuration file for production)
      • lib
        • (libraries)
      • template
        • php
          • (php template files)
        • twig (template directory for Twig)
        • smarty3 (template directory for Smarty3)
      • work (set writable permission)
      • app.php (front controller)

Hello world (minimum)

    <?php // app.php
    $app = new Gongo_App(__DIR__);
    $app->get('/', function(){
        return "Hello world!";

Hello world (using application class)

GET / or GET /index executes function getIndex($app) in application class.

    <?php // app.php
    class Application extends Gongo_App
        public function getIndex($app)
            return "Hello world!";
    $app = new Application(__DIR__);

Hello world (using root controller)

    <?php // app.php
    class Application extends Gongo_App
        public $uses = array(
            'root' => 'Hello_Controller_Root',
    $app = new Application(__DIR__);
    <?php // app/Hello/Controller/Root.php
    class Hello_Controller_Root extends Gongo_App_Controller
        public function getIndex($app)
            return "Hello world!";

Hello world (using controller)

    <?php // app/Hello/Controller/Root.php
    class Hello_Controller_Root extends Gongo_App_Controller
        public $uses = array(
            // register controller alias and controller class
            '/hello' => 'Hello_Controller_Hello',
    <?php // app/Hello/Controller/Hello.php
    class Hello_Controller_Hello extends Gongo_App_Controller
        public function getIndex($app)
            return "Hello world!";

GET /hello/index executes function getIndex($app) in Hello_Controller_Hello class.

Hello someone (using parameter)

GET /controller_alias/action/arg1/arg2/arg3 executes function getAction($app, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3) in controller.

    <?php // app/Hello/Controller/Root.php
    class Hello_Controller_Root extends Gongo_App_Controller
        public function getHello($app, $name)
            return "Hello {$name}!";


Gongo is dual Licensed MIT and GPLv3. You may choose the license that fits best for your project.