
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Instagram Basic API integration for Craft CMS

v2.0.0 2022-10-06 11:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-06-22 09:08:00 UTC


This plugin provides easy access to the Instagram Basic Display API for Craft CMS.


  • Twig & JSON: Feeds are accessible both in Twig and as JSON via action urls.
  • Multisite support: Apps are authenticated per site allowing per site media feeds.
  • Easy token management: Tokens can easily be refreshed via the control panel or CLI.

Authorising Instagram

Before you can authorise the plugin you must first set up a Facebook app, this is the app you'll be using to authorise users and make API calls. Once set up you will require the App ID and App Secret. To set up your app, follow steps 1 to 3 in the offical getting started guide. When asked for your "Valid OAuth Redirect URIs", use the URL found in the plugin settings page. If using multisite you'll need to create test users for each account you want to authorise.

Plugin Setup

  1. First either make sure you are logged into the Instgram account you want to authenticate or are logged out completely.
  2. Navigate to the plugin settings page, if running Craft multisite switch to the appropriate site.
  3. Enter the App ID and App Secret, found under App Dashboard > Products > Instagram > Basic Display. These can be set to environment variables.
  4. Click "Authenticate" where you'll be taken to Instagram to authorise the plugin. Once authorised you will be redirected back to the plugin page.

Refreshing Access Tokens

This plugin uses long-lived access tokens which are valid for 60 days. These tokens can be refreshed to increase their life by another 60 days using the instagram/tokens/refresh CLI command. This command could be run periodically via cron.

0 0 1 * * /craft instagram/tokens/refresh

Tokens can also be refreshed via the control panel.

Displaying a users media

Fetching the users can be handled in two ways, via Twig or using JSON returned from an action URL.


A users media can be displayed using the getMedia() method. This method accepts an optional options parameter.

{% set feed = craft.instagram.getMedia({
  limit: 20
}) %}

{% if feed %}
  {% for media in %}
    {{ media.getImg() }}
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

Media Object

Property Description
id ID.
caption Caption text. Not returnable for Media in albums
username Owner's username
timestamp Publish date
permalink Permanent URL
mediaUrl URL
mediaType Type of media. Can be IMAGE, VIDEO, or CAROUSEL_ALBUM
thumbnailUrl thumbnail image URL. Only available on video Media
getUrl() Either the mediaUrl or thumbnailUrl depending on media type
getImg() Returns an image element


In addition to the media property, getMedia also returns before and after properties for pagination.


The media feed is available as JSON via the instagram/media/fetch action URL. Options can be passed as query parameters.

  "media": [
      "id": "",
      "caption": "",
      "username": "",
      "timestamp": "",
      "permalink": "",
      "mediaUrl": "",
      "mediaType": "",
      "thumbnailUrl": ""
  "before": "",
  "after": ""


Pagination can be implemented by using the before and after properties sent along with the media property.

  "media": [],
  "before": "",
  "after": ""

These can be then sent as options with the next request.


  after: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Action URL



Both the Twig Variable and JSON endpoint accept the following options:

Option Description Default
after Unique marker which to fetch media after null
before Unique marker which to fetch media before null
cache The duration to cache data for in seconds, set to false for no caching 300
limit The number of media items to fetch, if null uses Instagram's default null