
Nishchay - PHP framework developer build

Installs: 11

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v1.0.4 2020-09-19 03:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-19 11:41:18 UTC


Nishchay PHP Framework

Nishchay is open structure php framework which allows us to create web application, REST web services and more.


Learn everything about nishchay here.


This framework is installed using composer only. Use below command

composer create-project nishchay/nishchay MyNewNishchayApp
Next thing

This installation comes with login and register services and few static pages like about us, terms and help. To make login and register work, do as follows:

  1. Update database settings in settings/configuration/database.php
  2. Execute db.sql on your database.
  3. Register user service/account/register
  4. Check service/account/login using new registered user
  5. Check service/account/{userId}, use token returned from login or register service.