
Header banner for WordPress unyson framework

dev-master 2018-04-10 06:18 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-02 22:41:25 UTC


An extension shortcode for Unyson Framework.

Getting Started

Please follow the instruction to install this extension.

A user can :

  1. Select the type of sliders
Image Banner, Slider Banner or Video Banner
  1. if image banner,

    • able to add small title
    • content hover text boxes
    • slider image size (Large, Extra large)
    • choose the behaviour of the slider (Paralax/ fixed or scroll)
    • choose the transition for the slideshow (slide sidewards, slide up/down, fade)
  2. Slider with only images

    • upload one or more images (if one image is added, it will be static)
    • add and edit the title
    • add and edit the description
    • highlight some words of the title / description by changing the font colour or style (B / i / U )
    • choose which words should be changed along with the image (link the highlighted words with the images)
    • select whether the slideshow should rotate by default
      • if auto rotate is active set how far apart the images should change
      • if auto rotate is inactive select how the controls should be displayed (arrows, dots, both)
  3. Video + Image

    • select at which point the images should start sliding
      • at the end of the video
      • in the middle of the video (video should stop and image slider should start)
    • Select whether the video should be lopped (start the video again and avoid sliding the images)
  4. Can configure the slider options.

    • @param : auto-slide; (boolean)
    • @param : interval; (number in millisecond)
    • @params : controller options for slick
      • @param : autoplay; (boolean)
      • @param : autoplaySpeed; (int(ms))
      • @param : arrows; (boolean)
      • @param : dots; (boolean)
      • @param : fade; (boolean)
      • @param : infinite; (boolean)
      • @param : speed; (int(ms))
      • @param : pauseOnHover; (boolean)
      • @param : touchMove; (boolean)
      • @param : vertical; (boolean)