
The NiletPHP file system component.

v1.0.0 2017-03-02 09:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 01:48:17 UTC


Object oriented design approach, that provides a convenient way for working with your file system.


PHP >= 7.0



    "require": {
        "niletphp/file-system": ">=v1.0"

###Handling errors By default the library registers custom error handler, which throws \Error when PHP emits E_WARNING or E_ERROR. The \Error is then being catched and Nilet\Components\FileSystem\FileSystemException is thrown


File system

use Nilet\Components\FileSystem\FileSystem;
use Nilet\Components\FileSystem\FileSystem\Directory;
use Nilet\Components\FileSystem\FileSystem\File;
use Nilet\Components\FileSystem\FileSystem\FileSystemException;

$fs = new FileSystem(); // with custom error handler
$fs = new FileSystem(false); // without custom error handler

// If you want to restore to previous custom event handler

// Create directory example with try-catch
try {
    $fs->createDirectory(new Directory("foo/bar"), "nested/dir", 0750);
} catch(FileSystemException $exc) {
    // handle exception

// Delete all items of a given directory
$fs->cleanDirectory(new Directory("foo/bar"));

// Delete directory
$fs->deleteDirectory(new Directory("foo"));

// Create file
$file = $fs->createFile(new Directory("bar"), "foo.txt", 0640, "Foo bar");

// Delete file
$fs->deleteFile(new File("bar/foo.txt"));

* Make copy of a given file. 
* If the file already exists in the destination folder, it will be overwritten. 
$fs->copyFile(new File("foo/bar.txt"), new Directory("baz"));

* Move uploaded file. 
* If the file already exists in the destination folder, it will be overwritten.
$fs->moveUploadedFile(new Directory("bar"), "tmp/tmpName.txt", "qux.txt")

Working with files

$file = new File("foo/bar.txt");

// Retrieve file name

// Retrieve file name (with file extension)

// Retrieve file extension e.g. txt, csv, php etc.

//Retrieve file parent directory e.g. given a "foo/bar/baz.txt" will return  "foo/bar"

// Retrieve file real path e.g. /foo/bar/public_html/baz.php

// Retrieve file size in bytes

// Retrieve file mime type e.g. text/plain , text/html, image/gif etc.

// Retrieve files last modified time in "Y-m-d H:i:s" format

// Retrieve file contents as string

// Truncates a file to a given length

// Delete file contents

// Determine if file is readable

// Determine if file is writable

// Appends data

// Create file
File::create(new Directory("foo"), "bar.txt", 0640, "foobarbaz");

Working with directories

$dir = new Directory("foo");

// Retrieves dir's real path.

// Retrieves directory items, array of File and Directory instances

// Create directory
Directory::create(Directory("foo"), "baz/qux", 0750);