
A Laravel package for interacting with the Bus System API.

1.0.0 2024-09-08 20:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-09 17:59:41 UTC


This package provides a PHP wrapper for interacting with the BusSystem API, designed to facilitate communication between your Laravel application and the BusSystem API for bus ticket booking, route searching, and other related services.


  • Search for available routes between locations.
  • Retrieve detailed information about points, routes, tickets, and discounts.
  • Manage bus ticket bookings, including reservations, payments, and cancellations.
  • Support for test and production environments.
  • Caching of API responses to reduce redundant requests.


  • PHP 8.2 or higher
  • Laravel 10.x or higher


  1. Install the package via Composer:

    composer require nikba/bussystem
  2. Publish the configuration file: After installing, publish the configuration file to set your API credentials and other settings:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nikba\BusSystem\BusSystemServiceProvider"
  3. Configuration: In your .env file, add the following configurations:


    These environment variables will be used in the configuration file (config/bussystem.php), which you can also customize:

    return [
        'login' => env('BUSSYSTEM_API_LOGIN', ''),
        'password' => env('BUSSYSTEM_API_PASSWORD', ''),
        'test_mode' => env('BUSSYSTEM_API_TEST_MODE', true),
        'lang' => env('BUSSYSTEM_API_LANG', 'en'),
        'endpoints' => [
            'test' => '',
            'production' => '',
        'cache_times' => [
            'get_points' => 525600, // 1 year in minutes
            'get_routes' => 1440,   // 1 day in minutes
            'get_baggage' => 720,   // 12 hours
            // Add other cache times as needed
  4. Add Service Provider (if needed): Laravel automatically detects service providers, but if you're using an older version, you may need to add it manually to the config/app.php file:

    'providers' => [
  5. Add Facade Alias (optional): If you want to use the facade:

    'aliases' => [
        'BusApi' => Nikba\BusSystem\Facades\BusApi::class,


Once installed, you can interact with the BusSystem API through the BusApi facade or the underlying service class Nikba\BusSystem\Services\BusApiService.

Example: Get Points (Cities or Locations)

$points = BusApi::getPoints([
    'country_id' => 1, // Optional country filter
    'autocomplete' => 'Prague', // Optional search filter
    'trans' => 'bus', // Type of transport: [all, bus, train, air, etc.]

Functions and Parameters

1. getPoints()

Description: Retrieves a list of available points (cities, stations, or airports) based on filters like country or transport type.


  • country_id (optional): Filter by country ID.
  • autocomplete (optional): Filter by matching initial characters of a location name.
  • trans: Type of transport [all, bus, train, air, travel, hotel].


$points = BusApi::getPoints([
    'country_id' => 1,
    'autocomplete' => 'Praha',
    'trans' => 'bus'

2. getRoutes()

Description: Retrieves available bus routes between two points for a specific date.


  • id_from: Departure city ID.
  • id_to: Arrival city ID.
  • date: Date of departure (format: yyyy-mm-dd).
  • trans: Type of transport [all, bus, train, air].


$routes = BusApi::getRoutes([
    'id_from' => 3, // Praha
    'id_to' => 6,   // Kiev
    'date' => '2024-09-09',
    'trans' => 'bus'

3. getBaggage()

Description: Retrieves baggage information for a specified route and interval.


  • interval_id: The interval ID from the getRoutes request.
  • station_from_id: Departure station ID.
  • station_to_id: Arrival station ID.
  • currency: Response currency [EUR, RON, PLN, MDL, etc.].


$baggage = BusApi::getBaggage([
    'interval_id' => '90|gh340|d29-96',
    'station_from_id' => 1547,
    'station_to_id' => 757,
    'currency' => 'EUR'

4. getFreeSeats()

Description: Retrieves available seats on a specified route for a given interval.


  • interval_id: The interval ID from the getRoutes request.
  • train_id: (For trains) Train ID.
  • vagon_id: (For trains) Vagon ID.
  • currency: Response currency.


$freeSeats = BusApi::getFreeSeats([
    'interval_id' => '90|gh340|d29-96',
    'train_id' => '141Sh',
    'vagon_id' => '14BLB',
    'currency' => 'EUR'

5. newOrder()

Description: Creates a new ticket order based on available routes and selected passengers.


  • date: Departure date.
  • interval_id: Interval ID for the route.
  • station_from_id: Departure station ID.
  • station_to_id: Arrival station ID.
  • seat: Selected seat numbers.
  • name: Passenger names.
  • surname: Passenger surnames.
  • birth_date: Passenger birthdates.
  • doc_type: Document types.
  • doc_number: Document numbers.
  • doc_expire_date: Document expiration dates.


$order = BusApi::newOrder([
    'date' => ['2024-09-09'],
    'interval_id' => ['ju34hd|30122023|30122023'],
    'station_from_id' => [1547],
    'station_to_id' => [757],
    'seat' => [["32"]],
    'name' => ['John'],
    'surname' => ['Doe'],
    'birth_date' => ['2000-01-01'],
    'doc_type' => [1],
    'doc_number' => ['CZRE5752475-54'],
    'doc_expire_date' => ['2045-12-30'],
    'citizenship' => ['UK'],
    'gender' => ['M'],

6. cancelTicket()

Description: Cancels an unpaid order or refund a paid ticket, full or partial.


  • order_id: Order ID to cancel.
  • ticket_id: Ticket ID to cancel.
  • session: Your session.


$response = BusApi::cancelTicket([
    'order_id' => 5397146,
    'ticket_id' => 4461298,
    'session' => 'c227e552956b'


The package comes with PHPUnit tests. To run the tests:

  1. Install dependencies:

    composer install
  2. Run tests:



The API responses are cached for efficiency. Cache duration for different endpoints can be customized in config/bussystem.php under cache_times.

For example, to set cache duration for the getRoutes function to 1 day (1440 minutes):

'cache_times' => [
    'get_routes' => 1440,   // 1 day in minutes


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


For any issues, please feel free to open an issue on GitHub or contact the developer at