
Provide annotations for silex

dev-master 2016-07-14 11:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-14 18:58:24 UTC



Not recommanded for production, as it has no cache, and the project is unfinished (but working).

When is the last time you dreamed of annotations for every controller route?

Silex Simple Annotations allows you to get rid of controller providers and have it done your(our) way.

Prepend your controller function with annotations. We will deal with the rest.

     * @Path /login 
     * @Method POST
     * @Bind user.login
    public function loginRegisterAction(Application $app, Request $request)
        $user = SomeSuperStaticClass::loginOrRegisterThisGuy($request, $app);
        return $app->json();

This examples links a POST on baseUrl/SomeControllerPrefixRouteYouGave/login to the loginRegisterAction action

Why should I use this provider?

Currently, there seem to be only 2 providers after a quick Google search

They both use Doctrine\Annotations to parse annotations and seem to work.

So why?

  • You hate Doctrine (strange)
  • You want a simple syntax
  • You are lazy and just want to provide your /src for controllers
  • You may need an automatic documentation. This will come in the future

Why not?

  • These other providers are probably faster for parsing
  • I'm french

What can i do? Is this FREE?


First, add this to your composer.json dependencies

"require": {
    "other/packages...": "...",
    "nicolascharpentier/silex-simple-annotations": "dev-master"

Then register the following service provider wherever you do so for your project:

$app->register(new SilexSimpleAnnotations\AnnotationsServiceProvider(), array(
    'simpleAnnots.controllersPath' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Controller',
    'simpleAnnots.recursiv' => false, // Optional, default to false,
    'simpleAnnots.controllersAsApplicationAwareServices' => false // Optional, default to false. Will instanciate controllers with $app as services

Parameters start with simpleAnnots and end with:

  • controllersPath : String or Array of controller directory/ies
  • recursiv : Boolean, if true the search for controllers will be .. recursiv. Not recommanded for optimization.


Loop the following for each controller you want to be annotation-equiped.

  1. Give a prefix for the controller (which will be prepend for every action route)

     * @Prefix /user
    class UserController {
  2. Pimp your actions

     * @Path /logout
    public function logoutAction(Application $app)
        return $app->json();
     * @Path /stalk/{id}
     * @Bind user.stalkhim
    public function stalkAction(Application $app, $id)
        return $app->json();

    This will mean

    • a GET on /user/logout will call the logoutAction, which will be binded to user.logout
    • a GET on /user/stalk/1 will call the stalkAction, with $id === '1' and the bind on user.stalkhim
  3. Test and enjoy!!

Available annotations

  • Controller Level

    • Prefix REQUIRED
    • Sets the route prefix for every actions, also will be used for the default binding value.
    • eg. /user
  • Actions Level

    • Path REQUIRED
    • Sets the Route suffix.
    • eg. /edit/{id}
    • Bind OPTIONAL
    • Sets the Route binding.
    • Default to Prefix + '.' + actionName (str_replace($function_name, 'Action', ''))
    • eg. user.edit
    • Method OPTIONAL
    • Sets the request method.
    • Default to GET
    • Value(s) accepted GET POST PUT OPTIONS DELETE
    • eg. POST PUT


  • Get why the ordered list on this README just displays '1' at every step.
  • Support multiple methods for a Route
  • Modify the Rules class to be more self explanable
  • Generalize annotations usage when building Controllers
  • Implement a cache system
  • Start implementing the automated documentation

Ps: Not working on this at the moment, still checking for issues.

Feedback & Contribution

Any sort of feedback is strongly encouraged and will be listened.

Also feel free to contribute or just ask for change, even the smallest

"No more controller provider needed. Got my wife back. Love this" - George, Alabama.

"This is awesome, my legal e-commerce website got 200% more purchases" - Ben, Thailandia.