
PHP7.4 Enum classes implementation

1.2 2023-05-08 17:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-08 19:48:44 UTC


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PHP enumeration implementation

The php7.4 enumeration class package that does not require a separate installation of the SplEnum extension


# Install enum package
composer require nice-yu/php-enum

# Generate test coverage
phpunit --coverage-html ./tests/codeCoverage

# View test report
phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php --testdox tests

Unit test report

  • Unit tests with 100% coverage
Enum (NiceYu\Tests\Enum\Enum)
 ✔ Not exist constant exception [0.19 ms]
 ✔ Use of get static method [0.41 ms]
 ✔ The use of get key static method [28.62 ms]
 ✔ The use of the get value static method [0.17 ms]
 ✔ The use of the get message static method [0.26 ms]
 ✔ The use of the get keys static method [0.12 ms]
 ✔ The use of the get values static method [0.15 ms]
 ✔ The use of the static method of get messages [0.16 ms]
 ✔ The use of const name static method get the name [0.21 ms]
 ✔ The use of const name static method get the value [0.21 ms]
 ✔ The use of const name static method get the zh [0.21 ms]
 ✔ The use of const name static method get the en [0.41 ms]

enum class definition


namespace NiceYu\Tests\Enum;

use NiceYu\Enum\Enum;

 * class SwitchEnum
 * @method static SwitchEnum ON()
 * @method static SwitchEnum OFF()
class SwitchEnum extends Enum
     * @zh("开启")
     * @en("on") 
    protected const ON = '1';

     * @zh("关闭")
     * @en("off") 
    protected const OFF = '0';

Example of using method const

WeekEnum::SATURDAY();               // return corresponding `EnumDto` information
WeekEnum::SATURDAY('name');         // return corresponding `name` information, like: SATURDAY
WeekEnum::SATURDAY('value');        // return corresponding `value` information, like: 6
WeekEnum::SATURDAY('notes','zh');   // return corresponding `notes,zh` information, like: 星期六
WeekEnum::SATURDAY('notes','en');   // return corresponding `notes,en` information, like: saturday

Example using method get

WeekEnum::get('SATURDAY');              // return corresponding `EnumDto` information
WeekEnum::get('SATURDAY','name');       // return corresponding `name` information, like: SATURDAY
WeekEnum::get('SATURDAY','value');      // return corresponding `value` information, like: 6
WeekEnum::get('SATURDAY','notes','zh'); // return corresponding `notes,zh` information, like: 星期六
WeekEnum::get('SATURDAY','notes','en'); // return corresponding `notes,en` information, like: saturday
  • Of course the get value does not have to be a const name
  • Can be name, value, notes,zh, notes,en
WeekEnum::get('SATURDAY');  // return corresponding `EnumDto` information
WeekEnum::get(6);           // return corresponding `EnumDto` information
WeekEnum::get('星期六');     // return corresponding `EnumDto` information
WeekEnum::get('saturday');  // return corresponding `EnumDto` information

Example using the simplified method

WeekEnum::getKey('SATURDAY');           // return corresponding `name` information, like: SATURDAY
WeekEnum::getValue('SATURDAY');         // return corresponding `value` information, like: 6
WeekEnum::getMessage('SATURDAY');       // return corresponding `notes,zh` information (The default is `zh`), like: 星期六
WeekEnum::getMessage('SATURDAY', 'en'); // return corresponding `notes,en` information, like: saturday

Get all content examples

WeekEnum::getKeys();        // return corresponding `keys` array information: ["MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", "SUNDAY"]
WeekEnum::getValues();      // return corresponding `values` array information: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0]
WeekEnum::getMessages();    // return corresponding `notes` array information, return by default `zh`: ["星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六", "星期日"]
WeekEnum::getMessages('en');// return corresponding `notes` array information, specified return en: ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"]
EnumDto information
^ NiceYu\Enum\EnumDto {#16 ▼
  +name: "SATURDAY"
  +value: 6
  +notes: array:4 [▼
    "name" => "SATURDAY"
    "value" => 6
    "zh" => "星期六"
    "en" => "saturday"

pass parameters

function run(SwitchEnum $num) {
    // ...

static method

  • get()
    • No parameter: returns all corresponding Enums as Enum
    • Parameter 1: ['name','value','notes,zh','notes,en']
    • Parameter 2: ['name','value','notes']
    • Parameter 3: When parameter 2 is notes, you can pass in ['zh','en']
  • getKey() returns string, the corresponding key in enumeration class
    • Parameter 1: ['name','value','notes,zh','notes,en']
  • getValue() returns in the form of corresponding type, the corresponding value in enumeration class
    • Parameter 1: ['name','value','notes,zh','notes,en']
  • getMessage() returns in the form of string, the corresponding message in enumeration class
    • Parameter 1: ['name','value','notes,zh','notes,en']
    • Parameter 2: ['zh','en']
  • CONST()
    • No parameter: returns all corresponding Enums as Enum
    • Parameter 1: ['name','value','notes']
    • Parameter 2: When parameter 1 is notes, ['zh','en'] can be passed in
  • getKeys() returns all keys of the enumeration class in the form of an array, no need to pass in parameters
  • getValues() returns all values of the enumeration class in the form of an array, no need to pass in parameters
  • getMessages() returns all messages of the enumeration class in the form of an array, and the default parameter is zh
  • getMessages('en') returns all messages of the enumeration class in the form of an array, and the specified parameter is en