
Generate a generic login token using the jwt scheme

v1.0.1 2023-02-16 08:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-10 10:30:42 UTC


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Login token implementation

Generate/parse generic login tokens using the jwt-auth scheme


composer require nice-yu/jwt-auth

Unit Test Information

  • Unit tests with 100% coverage
Jwt Auth (NiceYu\JwtAuth\JwtAuth)
 ✔ The jwt auth generation method [2.75 ms]
 ✔ The jwt auth authentication method [4.58 ms]
 ✔ Parse expiration method [4.18 ms]
 ✔ The jwt auth setting parameters [107.75 ms]

configuration information

$jwtAuth = new JwtAuth();
$token  = $jwtAuth
    ->setIssued('+1 day')
    ->setExpire('+1 day')

Configuration must be passed

  • setId() The necessary parameter identification for generating token

Unnecessary parameter configuration

  • setIssued() Set the issue time, the default value is: ''
  • setExpire() Set the expiration time, the default value is: '+1 day'
  • setOutput() Set the encryption method, the default value is: false (true=OUTPUT_BASE64, false=OUTPUT_HEX)
  • setSecret() Set the key information, the default value is: '8a8b57b12684504f511e85ad5073d1b2b430d143a'
  • setPlatform() Set the platform ID, the default value is: 'web'
  • setDateTimeZone() Set the current time zone, the default is: 'Asia/Shanghai'

generate token

$jwtAuth = new JwtAuth();
$token  = $jwtAuth->setId('1')->generate()

$token information for JwtAuthDto class

^ NiceYu\JwtAuth\JwtAuthDto {#7 ▼
  +token: "aa20bbec19534191e59d96ae777f2caeaab149111d45c5578ec4251401a21880e7676a65a334a548ea8b4c9bfae9e009d9718f83f5744a503fd91db6994ebe4392af98ddad542f849ef7f36f720df877 ▶"
  +login_date: DateTime @1676373908 {#19 ▼
    date: 2023-02-14 19:25:08.782022 Asia/Shanghai (+08:00)
  +expire_date: DateTime @1676460308 {#46 ▼
    date: 2023-02-15 19:25:08.782118 Asia/Shanghai (+08:00)

analyze token

$jwtAuth = new JwtAuth();
$token  = $jwtAuth->setId('1')->generate();
$userInfo = $jwtAuth->verify($token->token);

$userInfo information for AuthDto class

^ NiceYu\JwtAuth\AuthDto {#85 ▼
  +id: "1"
  +issued: DateTime @1676374087 {#92 ▼
    date: 2023-02-14 19:28:07.0 +08:00
  +expire: DateTime @1676460487 {#93 ▼
    date: 2023-02-15 19:28:07.0 +08:00
  +platform: "web"

Returns null if $token->token has exceeded the expiration time $token->expire

requires attention

When $token->token is tampered with without authorization, a fatal error will occur, remember try to capture