
Validation component provides classes and interfaces to validate values.

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1.4.0 2017-05-02 10:48 UTC

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Last update: 2022-03-14 01:13:23 UTC


Validation component provides classes and interfaces to validate values.


Require this package with Composer.

	composer require nia/validation


To run the unit test use the following command:

$ cd /path/to/nia/component/
$ phpunit --bootstrap=vendor/autoload.php tests/


The component provides several validators but you are able to write your own validator by implementing the Nia\Validation\ValidatorInterface interface for a more specific use case.

Validator Description
Nia\Validation\ClosureValidator Validator using a closure.
Nia\Validation\CompositeValidator Composite validators are used to combine multiple validators and use them as one.
Nia\Validation\DateTimeValidator Checks if the content is a valid date time.
Nia\Validation\DateValidator Checks if the content is a valid date.
Nia\Validation\EmailAddressValidator Checks if the content is a well formatted email address.
Nia\Validation\EmailAddressDomainBlacklistedValidator Checks if the email address domain is blacklisted.
Nia\Validation\InSetValidator Checks if the content is an allowed value.
Nia\Validation\IpV4AddressValidator Checks if the content is a valid IPv4 address.
Nia\Validation\IpV6AddressValidator Checks if the content is a valid IPv6 address.
Nia\Validation\LengthValidator Checks if the length of the content is between a specific range.
Nia\Validation\NullValidator Null validator object.
Nia\Validation\NumberValidator Checks if the content is a valid number (integer).
Nia\Validation\OrCompositeValidator Logical OR composite validator is used to combine multiple validators and use them as one. If one inner validator is successfull the entire composite is successfully.
Nia\Validation\RangeValidator Checks if the content is between a specific range.
Nia\Validation\RegexValidator Checks the content against a regex.
Nia\Validation\TimeValidator Checks if the content is a valid time.
Nia\Validation\UrlValidator Checks if the content is a well formatted url.

Conditional Validators

The component also provides conditional validators which are used to execute a decorated validator only if a condition is true. You are also able to write your own conditional validator by implementing the Nia\Validation\Condition\ConditionValidatorInterface interface.

Validator Description
Nia\Validation\Condition\ClosureConditionValidator Validator using a closure to determine whether the decorated validator is allowed to execute.

How to use

The following sample shows you how to use the Nia\Validation\EmailAddressValidator.

	$validator = new EmailAddressValidator();
	$violations = $formatter->validate('foobar@my-super-cool-email-address.tld', new Map());