
Component provides several interfaces and classes for translations and pluralizations.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

1.2.0 2017-05-08 19:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-03-11 06:09:05 UTC


Component provides several interfaces and classes for translations and pluralizations.


Require this package with Composer.

	composer require nia/translating


To run the unit test use the following command:

$ cd /path/to/nia/component/
$ phpunit --bootstrap=vendor/autoload.php tests/


To use the formatters from the nia/formatting component you can use the nia/bridge-translating-formatting component or for a more specfic use case just implement the Nia\Translating\Formatter\FormatterInterface interface.

How to use

The following sample shows you how to use the Nia\Translating\Translator\CollectionTranslator with a locale hierarchy where de_DE is in the highest hierarchy and en_US in the lowest.

	$germanCollection = new Collection('de_DE', [
	    'car-count' => new Map([
	        '0' => 'Du hast {{ value }} Auto',
	        '1' => 'Du hast {{ value }} Autos'

	$englishCollection = new Collection('en_US', [
	    'car-count' => new Map([
	        '0' => 'You have {{ value }} car',
	        '1' => 'You have {{ value }} cars'
	    'message-count' => new Map([
	        '0' => 'You have {{ value }} new message',
	        '1' => 'You have {{ value }} new messages'

	$translator = new CollectionTranslator([
	], new PluralRuleSelector(), new ValueFormatterFilter([]), [

	// de_DE: Du hast 1 Auto
	echo $translator->translate('car-count', 1, new Map(['value' => '1']));
	echo "\n";

	// de_DE: Du hast 123 Autos
	echo $translator->translate('car-count', 123, new Map(['value' => '123']));
	echo "\n";

	// de_DE (using en_US as next hierarchy level): You have 1 new message
	echo $translator->translate('message-count', 1, new Map(['value' => '1']));
	echo "\n";

	// de_DE (using en_US as next hierarchy level): You have 123 new messages
	echo $translator->translate('message-count', 123, new Map(['value' => '123']));
	echo "\n";