
Component for a simple and hierarchical logging of messages.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

1.0.0 2016-02-15 22:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-03-11 06:05:16 UTC


Component for a simple and hierarchical logging of messages.


Require this package with Composer.

	composer require nia/logging


To run the unit test use the following command:

$ cd /path/to/nia/component/
$ phpunit --bootstrap=vendor/autoload.php tests/


The component provides several loggers but you are able to write your own logger by implementing the Nia\Logging\LoggerInterface interface for a more specific use case.

Logger Description
Nia\Logging\CompositeLogger Composite logger, used to combine loggers.
Nia\Logging\FileSystemLogger Logger implementation which uses a file.
Nia\Logging\MessageContainsStringLogger Executes a decorated logger if the message contains a specific string.
Nia\Logging\MessageNotContainsStringLogger Ignores a decorated logger if the message contains a specific string.
Nia\Logging\NullLogger Null object logger implementation. Logs nothing and can be used to disable logging.
Nia\Logging\StreamLogger Logger implementation which uses a stream.

How to use

The following sample shows you how to use the logging component. Note that EmailLogger (contained in nia/bridge-mailing-logging) and SmsLogger are not contained in this component and are only named to show you a common use case.

	// hierarchical logger structure.
	$logger = new CompositeLogger([
	    new FileSystemLogger(__DIR__ . '/data/log.txt'),
	    new StreamLogger($stream),
	    new MessageContainsStringLogger('waring', new CompositeLogger([
	        new EmailLogger(/* crash@my-company.tld */),
	        new MessageContainsStringLogger('critical', new CompositeLogger([
	            new EmailLogger(/* it@my-company.tld */),
	            new SmsLogger(/* 01234-head-of-development */)

	// if the log has to be disabled, just use the NullLogger implementation.
	if ($logDisabled) {
		$logger = new NullLogger();

	// [...]

	// logged into /data/log.txt, $stream
	$logger->log('my first message.', []);

	// logged into /data/log.txt, $stream
	$logger->log('my second message.', []);

	// logged into /data/log.txt, $stream, crash@my-company.tld
	$logger->log('a warning occured.', []);

	// logged into /data/log.txt, $stream, crash@my-company.tld,
	//             it@my-company.tld, 01234-head-of-development
	$logger->log('a critical warning occured.', []);

	// logged into /data/log.txt, $stream
	$logger->log('this is critical.', []);