nhlm / pipechain
A linear chainable pipeline pattern implementation with fallbacks
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Last update: 2024-11-09 21:06:54 UTC
A linear chainable pipeline pattern implementation with fallbacks.
What is a linear pipeline
A linear pipeline is a object that stacks callbacks and provides a processing logic to process a payload thru the callback stack, form the first to the last.
PipeChain comes out of the box with 4 different processors:
The common invoker processor
The common invoker processor implements a processing of the queue that considers the provided fallback callback as the successor of a failed stage callback.
The common invoker processor is the default processor.
<?php declare(strict_types=1); use PipeChain\{ PipeChain }; $pipeline = new PipeChain(); $pipeline->pipe( # the stage callback function(string $inbound) { return 'something'; }, # the fallback callback function(int $inbound) { return ++$inbound; } ); var_dump( $pipeline->process(100) // int(3) => 101 );
The naive invoker processor
The naive invoker processor implements a processing of the queue that ignores the provided fallback callback.
<?php declare(strict_types=1); use PipeChain\{ PipeChain, InvokerProcessors\NaiveInvokerProcessor }; $pipeline = new PipeChain(new NaiveInvokerProcessor()); $pipeline->pipe(function(int $inbound) { return ++$inbound; }); var_dump( $pipeline->process(100) // int(3) => 101 );
The loyal interface invoker processor
The loyal interface invoker processor implements a processing of the queue that acts like a common invoker processor with an additional interface check of each payload change.
The interface check has 2 modes:
forces the processor to pass the throwables to the next scope.LoyalInterfaceInvokerProcessor::RESET_ON_MISMATCH
forces the processor to use the previous payload instead.
<?php declare(strict_types=1); use PipeChain\{ PipeChain, InvokerProcessors\LoyalInterfaceInvokerProcessor }; $pipeline = new PipeChain( new LoyalInterfaceInvokerProcessor( DateTimeInterface::class, LoyalInterfaceInvokerProcessor::RESET_ON_MISMATCH ) ); $prior = function($inbound) { if ( ! $inbound instanceof DateTime ) { throw new Exception('Whats this?'); } return $inbound->modify('+10 hours'); }; $failure = function (string $inbound) use ($prior) { return $prior(date_create($inbound)); }; $pipeline->pipe($prior, $failure); var_dump( $pipeline ->process('2017-10-12 18:00:00') ->format('Y-m-d') // string(10) "2017-10-13" );
The loyal type invoker processor
The loyal type invoker processor implements a processing of the queue that acts like the loyal interface invoker processor but with type checking of each payload change.
The type check has 2 modes:
forces the processor to pass the throwables to the next scope.LoyalInterfaceInvokerProcessor::RESET_ON_MISMATCH
forces the processor to use the previous payload instead.
<?php declare(strict_types=1); use PipeChain\{ PipeChain, InvokerProcessors\LoyalTypeInvokerProcessor }; $pipeline = new PipeChain( new LoyalTypeInvokerProcessor( 'string', LoyalTypeInvokerProcessor::RESET_ON_MISMATCH ) ); $pipeline->pipe(function(string $name) { return strtolower($name); }); $pipeline->pipe(function(string $name) { return ucfirst($name); }); var_dump( $pipeline->process('jOhN') // string(4) "John" );
Booting own implementations
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Somewhat; use PipeChain\{ PipeChain, InvokerProcessorInterface as Processor, PipeChainCollectionInterface as Container }; class MyFirstPipeline extends PipeChain { protected function boot(Container $container, Processor $processor = null): Processor { # pipe something. The signature of PipeChainCollectionInterface::attach() is equal # to PipeChain::pipe(..). $container->attach( # stage callable function() { }, # fallback callable (optional) function() { } ); # ... # Don't forget to call the parent, the parent method ensures # that a processor will be created when $processor is null. return parent::boot($container, $processor); } } # later ... echo MyFirstPipeline::create()->process('I can get no satisfaction!');
Chaining Pipelines
<?php declare(strict_types=1); $pipeline = MyFirstPipeline::create()->chain( MySecondPipeline::create() )->chain( MyThirdPipeline::create() ); $pipeline->process('This is awesome.');
Maintainer, State of this Package and License
Those are the Maintainer of this Package:
This package is released under the MIT license. A copy of the license is placed at the root of this repository.
The State of this Package is unstable unless unit tests are added.
- Adding Unit Tests