
The skeleton application for the Laravel framework.

1.0.4 2024-01-17 15:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 15:32:19 UTC


Get timezone by PHP


composer create-project nhanguyen/timezones


Time zone in Server-Client environment Now imagine you make an app to schedule tasks, you get the user's time value. The selection on the client side is transmitted to the server and then saved that value, then this value is displayed on the client side

What happens if the client accesses from different time zones? For example, when creating a calendar in Vietnam, but then opening it for a business trip in the US, the value stored on the server side must be a fixed value and does not depend on the time zone. So the client only needs to do is display that value in accordance with the current time zone.

In addition, when the user creates a timestamp, we also convert it to Unix time units according to ISO-8601 standard to contain the offset information 2017–03–10T11:30:00+09:00. What we do in specialized terminology often uses two words to describe: parsing and formatting


At the root directory, run the command below to initialize localhost:

php artisan serve

Open the browser, enter route to see the results:


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.