
Make a Laravel model trackable

1.7.1 2023-01-19 11:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-19 16:51:34 UTC



Install the package via composer:

composer require nh/trackable

Publish the translation and the model for the trackable:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=trackable

To make a model trackable, add the Trackable trait to your model: To retrieve the tracks of your model => $post->tracks To check if of your model has any tracks => $post->hasTracks()

use Nh\Trackable\Traits\Trackable;

use Trackable;

The events available for the model are:

  • created
  • updated
  • deleted
  • soft-deleted
  • restored
  • force-deleted
  • saved
  • changed

You can retrieve the tracks (order by date and id) of a model:


Or you can retrieve the most recent track



You can retrieve multiple information per track: You can customize the translations, colors and icons via the trackable config file

$track->event_name;       // The translated name of the event
$track->event_color;      // The color of the event
$track->event_icon;       // The icon of the event
$track->model;            // The clean model name
$track->model_name;       // The translated model name
$track->relation_model;   // The clean relation model name
$track->relation_name;    // The translated relation model name
$track->relation_icon;    // The icon of the relation model
$track->username;         // The username
$track->time;             // The formated time
$track->formated // Return 'Updated <b>3m ago</b> by <b>Natacha</b>'

Add a track

You can add a custom track for a model:

$model->addTrack('my-event', $relationModel, $numberRelationModelAffected, 'My comment')

Event listener

You can track some event by using the listener AddTrack.

Add this lines to your property $listen in your App\Providers\EventServiceProvider.php :

Your event should return:

  • $event->name as the name of the event (exemple: created)
  • $event->model as the model who is tracked)
  • $event->relation as the model relation (exemple: App\Models\Role)
  • $event->number as the number of items affected (model or relation) by the event
MyCustomEvent::class => [