
Make a Laravel model sortable.

1.3.0 2023-01-19 12:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-19 17:02:32 UTC



Install the package via composer:

composer require nh/sortable

To make a model with position, you can create a migration via the console commande:

php artisan sortable:new {model? : the name of the model}

Then, add the Sortable trait to your model: The default sortable values are position by asc. The trait will add the position column to your $fillable array

use Nh\Sortable\Traits\Sortable;

use Sortable;

 * Default sortable field and direction.
 * @var array
protected $sortable = [
  'field' => 'position',
  'direction' => 'asc'

In option you can fire an event on the 'parent' model. Exemple if you sort the Media model in a Page model

 * Default sortable field and direction.
 * @var array
protected $sortable = [
  'field' => 'position',
  'direction' => 'asc',
  'event-on-parent' => true,
  'parent' => 'mediable'

In option you can also update the timestamps or not (updated_at) By default it set to true

 * Default sortable field and direction.
 * @var array
protected $sortable = [
  'field' => 'position',
  'direction' => 'asc',
  'timestamp' => true

Javascript & View

Add in your package.json the dependency:

"sortablejs": "^1.10.2",

And add in your JS file the Sortable script:

import Sortable from  '../../vendor/nh/sortable/resources/js/sortable';

Initialize the Sortable in your JS file.

var el = document.querySelector('#mySortable');
new Sortable(el, {
  successCallback: function(response){
      console.log('Position updated !');
  errorCallback: function(response){
      console.log('You got an error');

Then in your view, add the element:

  • On the parent, add the attribute data-sortable-model
  • On the parent, add the attribute data-sortable-order if you need to specify the order to rearanged
  • On the children, add the attribute data-id
  • On the children, add an element with class .drag
<ul id="mySortable" data-sortable-mode="App\Model" data-sortable-order="desc">
  <li data-id="1"><span class="drag"></span> One</li>
  <li data-id="2"><span class="drag"></span> Two</li>
  <li data-id="3"><span class="drag"></span> Three</li>

Get collection by position

You can get your model collection by the position: You can pass the direction asc or desc


Get collection by sortable

You can get your model collection by the sortable customer or default: The values of your $sortable array will be take as default



You can use the SortableEvent for dispatch events that happen where sorted happend. You can pass a name, the model, and the number of model affected

SortableEvent::dispatch('my-event', $model, $relation, 1);