
Make a model searchable and keep Search in session

1.1.7 2023-01-19 12:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-19 16:53:49 UTC



composer require nh/searchable


In your controller add the Facade accessor:

use Nh\Searchable\Search;

Next, add the middleware search in the __construct() method: The search middleware will automatically redirect if there is a search session

 * Instantiate a new controller instance.
 * @return void
public function __construct()

Finnaly, add a search() method:

 * Display a listing of the searched resource.
 * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function search(Request $request)
    // Make a Search Class
    $search = new Search('key', $request->input('search'));

    // Get an attribute in Search Class
    $keywords = $search->attribute('text');

    // Make the search query
    $posts = Post::search($keywords,'contains',false)->get();

    // Display the result
    return view('my.search.view', compact('posts'));

The Search class will create a session with:

  • the key (should be your model ex: posts)
  • the redirections (by default: 'reset' => 'myroute/index' and 'search' => 'myroute/search')
  • the attributes

The $request->input('search') must be an array of field, like search['text'].

You can override the redirections with an array:

$search = new Search('key', $request->input('search'), [
  'reset' => 'custom.redirection',
  'search' => 'custom.redirection'

You can access to a Search redirection by:


You can access to a Search attribute by:



Add the Searchable trait to your model:

use Nh\Searchable\Traits\Searchable;

use Searchable;

And you can set the columns where to make the search: You can set some relationship column too as 'relation.column'

 * The searchable columns.
 * @var array
protected $searchable = [
  'title', 'subtitle', 'description', 'author.firstname'

Then you can make a search query as: The search can be 'contains', 'start' or 'end' And you can decide if all columns match by setting true/false

Post::search('my keyword','contains',false)->get();

You can also search between 2 values: Default values are 0 to 99999999999999999999

Post::searchBetween('mycolumn',10,100)->get();    // Retrieve where between 10 and 100
Post::searchBetween('mycolumn',null,100)->get();  // Retrieve where under or equal 100
Post::searchBetween('mycolumn',100,null)->get();  // Retrieve where greater or equal than 100
Post::searchBetween('mycolumn',0,0)->get();       // Retrieve where is 0 or null


You can reset a Search Session by going on the route searchable.reset:

route('searchable.reset', ['key' => 'key'])