
dev-master 2019-03-09 00:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 14:33:35 UTC


Tip: Rename this md file to php to test it on your web server.


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Consider this uri: index.php?
// QUERY_STRING will be:
$uri = '';

$path = new Nggit\PHPSimpleURIRouter\Path();

Get the first uri segment

echo $path->first(); //
echo '<br />';

Get the first uri segment, before certain token

echo $path->first('.?&'); // fruit
echo '<br />';

Get an uri segment after another segment

echo $path->after('apple'); // banana
echo '<br />';

Get n uri segment after another segment

echo $path->after('apple', 2); // banana/melon
echo '<br />';

Get all uri segment after another segment

echo $path->after('apple', null); // banana/melon/orange.html
echo '<br />';

Get an uri segment after another segment, before certain token

echo $path->after('melon', 1, '.?&'); // orange


Note that one or more empty uri segment will be skipped, e.g. apple//banana, $path->after('apple') will return banana.