
"Payment Services through Mobile Money Services, MTN Mobile Money, Orange Money for Laravel "

1.0.2 2017-08-05 03:48 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 02:51:44 UTC



Mobile Money is payment service which you can integrate in your application to perform payment via Mobile Money providers like MTN Mobile Money and Orange Money

  • Cameroon Mtn Mobile Money
  • Cameroon Orange Money

Quick Start

App Key

Before using this Api, you must obtain a client key and secret key from Webshinobis. You contact us through our website


Update your composer.json file and add the following under the require key

"ngambmicheal/mobilemoney": "dev-master"

Run the composer update command:

$ composer update

Or you can still run the command:

$ composer require ngambmicheal/mobilemoney

In your config/app.php add 'Ngambmicheal\MobileMoney\MobileMoneyProvider' to the end of the $providers array

'providers' => array(



Still under config/app.php add 'MobileMoney' => 'Ngambmicheal\MobileMoney\MobileMoney' to the $aliases array

'aliases' => array(

    'App'             => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\App',
    'Artisan'         => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan',
    'MobileMoney'           => 'Ngambmicheal\MobileMoney\MobileMoney',


Run the artisan command below to publish the configuration file

$ php artisan vendor:publish

Navigate to app/config/mobilemoney.php and update all four parameters


In the config/mobilemoney.php file

return [

        /*  Your client key */
        'webshinobis_client_key'=>'',  //Change this to your client key

        /*  Your secret key */
        'webshinobis_secret_key'=>'', //Change this to your secret key

        /* Do you want your app to support MTN mobile services? 

        Default : true

        'mtn_mobile_money'  =>  true,


// doing an mtn mobile money transaction;

use MobileMoney;

class MomoController extends controller {
    public function doMoMo($request){
        $phone = $request->phone;
        $price = $request->price;

        // do a mobile money transaction 

        $mobilemoney = new MobileMoney;
        $mobilemoney->phone = $phone;
        $mobilemoney->price = $price;

        // you can overide your client and secret key


        // perform the transaction;
        $momo        = $mobilemoney->doMTNTransaction();

            //transaction was successful

            return $momo; 

                $momo = (object) [
                    'transaction_id' => '12345678',
                    'state'          => true,
                    'status'         => 'success',
                    'message'        => 'Transaction Was successfull ...',
                    'phone'          => '237678140682',
                    'price'          => '1500'
            //transaction faile
                $momo = (object) [
                    'message'        => 'Transaction failed ...',
                    'state'          => false,
                    'status'         => 'failure'



Released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.

Aditional information

Any questions, feel free to contact me.

Any issues, please report here