
CodeIgniter 4 Database Debug Toolbar Query Highlighter.

v1.0.1 2024-04-22 05:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 07:37:53 UTC


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Query Highlighter


CodeIgniter 4 Database Debug Toolbar Query Highlighter.

Table of contents



Install library via composer:

composer require nfaiz/dbtoolbar

Query Highlighter is located at DbQueries tab (Debug Toolbar)


Remove Default Database Tab

  1. Open and comment Database::class from $collectors property in app/Config/Toolbar.php.
public array $collectors = [
    // Database::class,
  1. Open and comment Events::on('DBQuery', 'CodeIgniter\Debug\Toolbar\Collectors\Database::collect'); in app/Config/Events.php.
if (CI_DEBUG && ! is_cli()) {
  // Events::on('DBQuery', 'CodeIgniter\Debug\Toolbar\Collectors\Database::collect');

Modify Settings.

Open and add properties below in app/Config/Toolbar.php accordingly.

 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Disable DbToolbar query Highlighter
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * To disable DbToolbar query highlighter, change value to true
 * @var bool
public bool $dbToolbarDisable = false;

 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * DbToolbar Theme
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Configuration for light and dark mode SQL Syntax Highlighter.
 * Refer or
 * use \HighlightUtilities\getAvailableStyleSheets(); for available stylesheets.
 * @var array
public array $dbToolbarTheme = [
    'light' => 'atom-one-light',
    'dark'  => 'atom-one-dark'

 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * DbToolbar View
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * To override DbToolbar SQL Syntax Highlighter view.
 * @var array
public string $dbToolbarTpl = 'Nfaiz\DbToolbar\Views\database.tpl';

 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Bottom Margin Between Diplayed Query in Toolbar
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Value in px
 * @var int
public int $dbToolbarMarginBottom = 4;

 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Log Queries
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Please set threshold to minimum 7 at app/Config/Logger.php
 * Logs can be found at ROOTPATH/writable/logs
 * @var boolean
public bool $dbToolbarLogger = false;

Custom Syntax Highlighter view.

Open app/Config/Toolbar.php and add/edit template view file using $dbToolbarTpl property.
You can create your own view and you change it accordingly. For Example public $dbToolbarTpl = dbtoolbar/database;


{! hlstyle !}
            <th class="debug-bar-width6r">Time</th>
            <th>Query String</th>
        <tr class="{class}" title="{hover}" data-toggle="{qid}-trace">
            <td class="narrow" style="vertical-align: top;">{duration}</td>
            <td><u>{trace-file}</u>{! sql !}</td>
        <tr class="muted debug-bar-ndisplay" id="{qid}-trace">


Default Database Toolbar

  • Light

Light mode

  • Dark

Dark mode

Using DbToolbar

  • Light

Light mode

  • Dark

Dark mode
