
SEO-oriented functional for models and controllers

dev-master 2016-01-20 19:14 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 01:59:15 UTC


Add ability to edit content of SEO-oriented HTML tags and attributes. Also add ability to configure redirection from any route to another with 301 status. And more SEO-oriented functions.

Highly inspired by and


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require nevmerzhitsky/yii2-seomodule "*"

or add

"nevmerzhitsky/yii2-seomodule": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file. Then run command

php composer.phar update

After installation extension run migration:

./yii migrate --migrationPath="@vendor/nevmerzhitsky/yii2-seomodule/migrations"

Configuration of demisang/yii2-seo

In components configuration add the following:

    'components' => [
        'seo' => [
            'class' => 'nevmerzhitsky\seomodule\Meta'
        'view' => [
            'as seo' => [
                'class' => 'nevmerzhitsky\seomodule\SeoViewBehavior',

And add SEO extension to bootstrap:

'bootstrap' => ['log', 'seo']

In model file add seo model behavior:

public function behaviors()
    $it = $this;

    return [
        'seo' => [
            'class' => 'nevmerzhitsky\seomodule\SeoModelBehavior',
            'title' => [
                'produceFunc' => 'title',
                'produceMaxLength' => 150,
                'overrideByDb' => false
            'descriptionProduceFunc' => 'short_desc',
            'keysProduceFunc' => function ($model) {
                /* @var $model self|\yii\db\ActiveRecord */
                return $model->title . ', tag1, tag2';
            'metaField' => 'seo_meta',
            'userCanEdit' => Yii::$app->has('user') && Yii::$app->user->can(User::ROLE_ADMIN),
            // 'languages' => 'ru',
            'urlField' => 'seo_url',
            'urlProduceField' => 'title',
            'controllerClassName' => '\frontend\controllers\PostController',
            'uniqueUrlFilter' => function ($query) use ($it) {
                /* @var $query \yii\db\Query */
                $query->andWhere(['category_id' => $it->category_id]);

In main layout:

    <title><?php echo Html::encode(Yii::$app->seo->title); ?></title>
<?php $this->head(); ?>


In a controller action for the model ("view" for example):


You can register several models in one action. If these models have 'seo' behavior, then SEO data will combined from all of them in registration order.

In admin/manager site you can add fields for editing SEO data of a model ("_form.php" template):

        'model' => $model,
        'form' => $form

Configuration and using of the Amirax/yii2-seo-tools

SEO Meta

Extension will automatically load the correct row from the database using the currently running and params.You can optionally override data by specifying them in a parameter array

Yii::$app->seo->title = 'Page title';
Yii::$app->seo->metakeys = 'seo,yii2,extension';
Yii::$app->seo->metadesc = 'Page meta description';
Yii::$app->seo->tags['og:type'] = 'article';

You can set the templates for tags. For example:

Yii::$app->seo->setVar('USER_NAME', 'Smith');
Yii::$app->seo->tags['og:title'] = 'Hello %USER_NAME%';

Default variables:

  • %HOME_URL% - Homepage url
  • %CANONICAL_URL% - Canonical URL for current page
  • %LOCALE% - Site locale

SEO Redirect

For enabling SEO Redirect add to configuration file

'errorHandler' => [
    'class' => 'nevmerzhitsky\seomodule\Redirect',