
A Neos package for building up member areas with frontend login

1.5.0 2024-08-27 05:28 UTC


Neos package for frontend login inspired by Flowpack.Neos.FrontendLogin. It provides a mixin for MemberAreaRootPages. The package makes use of the accessRoles property of NodeInterface.

Note: It seems that the current Neos versions neos/neos:7.* and neos/neos:8.* are compatible with this package as the deprecated parts are not yet removed. But be aware of breaking changes in the near future.


  • Place a MemberAreaRootPage within your page tree and all pages beneath it including the member area page itself will be protected
  • Configure redirect page after login and logout
  • Redirect to configured login form when a protected page is requested without valid login. After successful login you will be redirected to initially requested page (referer).
  • Multiple member areas with different access roles are possible


Install the package via composer

composer require networkteam/neos-frontendlogin

Campatibility with neos/neos Package


This package provides a node migration for copying existing internal accessRoles values to a regular node property.

./flow node:migrate 20210419111000 --confirmation true



The mixin Networkteam.Neos.FrontendLogin:Mixins.MemberAreaRoot defines the root point of a specific member area and is of type Neos.NodeTypes:Page

Authentication via roles

This packages makes use of the neos flow security framework. For further details you can have a look into the documentation of the flow framework.

Two role definitions are provided:

  • Networkteam.Neos.FrontendLogin:MemberArea (abstract): Interface for MemberArea roles. It is used within access role selection of MemberAreaRootPages.
  • Networkteam.Neos.FrontendLogin:FrontendUser: Concrete access role implementation

You can define your own frontend user roles by adding them to the Policy.yaml of your package. Make sure that you add Networkteam.Neos.FrontendLogin:MemberArea as parent role. Otherwise, you won't be able to select the role within MemberAreaRootPage node.

When you set access roles on your MemberAreaRootPage via the inspector and apply the changes, these access roles will be set on all DocumentNodes beneath that MemberAreaRootPage as well. This ensures that all these pages can only be access by users having one of the selected roles.

Create Frontend Users

To create a new Frontend User you can use the neos.neos:user:create command, e.g.

./flow user:create --authentication-provider "Networkteam.Neos.FrontendLogin:Frontend" --roles "Networkteam.Neos.FrontendLogin:FrontendUser"

or use the user management module inside Neos backend.

Create member area

The package does not supply a concrete implementation. It does only supply a mixin. To create a member area you need to define a specific nodeType for MemberAreaRootPages which implements the mixin provided by this package.

Define your nodeTypes

You need to define one nodeType for MemberAreaRootPages.

An example configuration could look as follows:


    'Neos.Neos:Document': true
    'Networkteam.Neos.FrontendLogin:Mixins.MemberAreaRoot': true
    label: 'Member area'

Define fusion object

For your defined nodeType you need a suitable fusion object. An example configuration could look as follows:


# MemberAreaRootPage
prototype(Your.Package:MemberAreaRootPage) < prototype(Neos.Neos:Page) {

Hint: Usually you would inherit from the default page prototype of your site package.

Add pages and login form

Now you can log into Neos backend and create a new MemberAreaRootPage. Define which users should have access to this member area by selecting access roles and apply the changes.

Next you need to add a login form on a page which is not protected. Do not place the login form within your member area or the MemberAreaRootPage. Otherwise, your users won't be able to access the login form.

Now go back to the previously created MemberAreaRootPage and select the page containing the login form ( Login form page).

Additionally, you can add further pages beneath your MemberAreaRootPage. They will be protected.

Adding your own MemberArea roles

If you define your own MemberArea roles via Policy.yaml, make sure that you add them as parentRoles to Neos.Neos:AbstractEditor role definition. Otherwise pages only having your new roles will not be visible in Neos backend. This could also lead to error during publishing.


    parentRoles: [ 'Networkteam.Neos.FrontendLogin:MemberArea' ]

    parentRoles: [ 'Your.Package:UserWithFrontendAccess' ]

Password reset

To give your frontend users the possibility to reset there password you can install and use the package Networkteam.Neos.PasswordReset.


To translate the login error message or login form labels create a xliff file for each language in your package and set properties original="Main" and product-name="Networkteam.Neos.FrontendLogin" on <file> tag. Now you can override the language keys from the original translation file of Networkteam.Neos.FrontendLogin package you like.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" version="1.2">
    <file original="Main" product-name="Networkteam.Neos.FrontendLogin" source-language="en" datatype="plaintext">
            <trans-unit id="components.atoms.loginform.username" xml:space="preserve">
                <source>Enter your username</source>
            <trans-unit id="components.atoms.loginform.password" xml:space="preserve">
                <source>Enter your password</source>

            <trans-unit id="authentication.onAuthenticationFailure.authenticationFailed" xml:space="preserve">
                <source><![CDATA[<strong>Authentication failed!</strong><br />The login could not be performed with the given credentials.]]></source>