
Integrates the Imageshop file picker into Craft CMS

1.0.8 2024-07-16 10:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 17:09:31 UTC


This plugin integrates Imageshop Digital Asset Management system with Craft CMS by exposing their image selector as a popup that saves the selected image data in a field so the selection can be used in twig templates.



To install the plugin, follow these instructions.

  • Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:
cd /path/to/project
  • Then tell Composer to load the plugin:
composer require guilty/imageshop-field
  • In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for 'Imageshop'.

OR do it via the command line

php craft install/plugin imageshop-field
  • On the settings page, fill out the token and private key field to start using the plugin.

  • You will now have access to the "Imageshop field" in the Field type dropdown on the field creation page.


Plain and simple

<img src="{{ entry.imageshopField.url }}" alt="{{ entry.imageshopField.filename }}">

Using Imager

Single size

{% set image = craft.imager.transformImage(entry.imageshopField.url, { width: 400 }) %}
<img src="{{ image.url }}">

Multiple sizes

{% set transforms = craft.imager.transformImage(
        { width: 200 },
        { width: 800 },
        { width: 1200 },
        { width: 1920 }
    ) %}

{% for image in transforms %}
    <img src="{{ image.url }}" width="{{ image.width }}" style="width: auto;margin: 20px;">
{% endfor %}

Responsive images with srcset

{% set transformedImages = craft.imager.transformImage(image,[
        { width: 1920, jpegQuality: 90, webpQuality: 90 },
        { width: 1200, jpegQuality: 75, webpQuality: 75 },
        { width: 800, jpegQuality: 75, webpQuality: 75 },
        { width: 400, jpegQuality: 65, webpQuality: 65 },
    ]) %}

<img srcset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(transformedImages) }}">

Available attributes

imageshopField is the name of the field in these examples.

Code:           {{ entry.imageshopField.code }}
Image:          {{ entry.imageshopField.image }}
Tags:           {{ entry.imageshopField.tags("no") | join(", ") }}
Title:          {{ entry.imageshopField.title }}
Rights:         {{ entry.imageshopField.rights }}
Description:    {{ entry.imageshopField.description }}
Credit:         {{ entry.imageshopField.credits }}
DocumentId:     {{ entry.imageshopField.documentId }}
Raw:            {{ entry.imageshopField.json | json_encode(constant("JSON_PRETTY_PRINT")) }}