
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the reillo/grid package instead.

Simple admin table listing for bootstrap 3 and laravel 4|5

v1.2.2 2014-10-29 23:32 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:40:17 UTC


Simple admin table listing for bootstrap 3 and laravel 4|5


Add the following to your composer.json file:

"nerweb/laravel-tblist": "1.2.x"

Then, run composer update nerweb/laravel-tblist or composer install if you have not already installed packages.


Publish assets:

php artisan asset:publish nerweb/laravel-tblist

Simple Example

First, create a class name UserTblist.

use Nerweb\Tblist\BaseTblist;

class UserTblist extends BaseTblist {

    // set no result message
    public $noResults = "No User found.";

    function __construct()
        $this->table = 'users';


    protected function setQuery()
        $this->query = User::where('active',1);
        $this->columnsToSelect = array('*');

    protected function setColumns()

        $this->columns['username'] = array(
            'label'     => 'Username',
            'sortable'  => true,
            'table_column'  => 'users.username',
        $this->columns['email'] = array(
            'label'         => 'Email',
            'sortable'      => true,
            'classes'       => 'someclass someclass2',
            'table_column'  => '',
            'thead_attr'    => 'style="width:200px" data-someattr="example"',


Create a route and and its controller. insert below inside the controller method.

$list = new UserTblist();

return View::make('users.index', array('list', $list));

Create the blade user/index.blade.php and insert below.

{{ Form:open(array(
    'action' => $list->getBaseURL(),
    'method' =>'get',
    'id' =>'user_tblist',
    'class' =>'tblist-form'
)) }}
{{ $list->getTableData() }}
{{ $list->getPagination() }}
{{ $list->getPaginationInfo() }}
{{ Form::close() }}

For complete example, see example folder.

API Reference

Note! Child class should always extend Nerweb\Tblist\BaseTblist.


The column property accepts a data for column name as a key and column options as a value.

Column key

The column key may or may not exists in the result row. Column key also assumes as the name to be sorted.

Note! if column key doesn't exists in the result row, you should create a protected method colSetTheColumnName as custom column.

Column options

Options type Description
label string Column header label.
sortable bool Whether sortable or not.
table_column string if set, then use its value instead of the column key as the column name to sort (i.e roles.admin, users.admin).
classes string table column classes. Note! Both applied to header, footer and body column.
thead_attr string Table header attribute.

Note! All column option is default to null.

Custom Column Display

Add protected method colSetColumnNameToCamel (i.e colSetUsername, colSetCreatedAt) that only accepts 1 parameter an object of result row. Then echo or display the string.


in your class, UserTblist for this example. Add this next to setColumns method

protected function colSetUsername($row)
    echo Html::link("/users/{$row->id}/view", $row->username);

Custom Column

Sometimes we want to show column that is not in the result object row.

To do this, add a column key to columns property and make sure that the sortable options is set to false.


create a method called colSetYourColumnName($row) that accepts result row.

Multiple Tblist

Sometimes we want to display multiple table listing on the same page.

To do this,

  • on class initialization, in this case $list = new UserTblist(). Override base URL via $list->setBaseURL($url, $parameters) method.
  • set the tblist form action with $list->getBaseURL().
  • create the route with controller and return the json data of the tblist.


see simple demo here


This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.