neonexxa / billplz-wrapper
php billplz wrapper
- php: >=5.3.0
wrapper v3.0 will be updated next month with the mastercard/visa
PHP Payment Gateway
This is a php library for working with Billplz v3. Be sure that you signup and get your api token from there. Im creating this because most of the api i used all are compatible with v2 im afraid it doesnt work with v3. im just worried, so i built one package for my own use on my other project.
composer require neonexxa/billplz-wrapper
Just download any of the release or clone this repository. Feel free to use the way you want it.
For Laravel
1 ) in your config/app.php add below to your service provider class
2 ) put your key in the .env file
3 ) run
composer dump-autoload && php artisan config:cache && php artisan cache:clear php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Neonexxa\BillplzWrapperV3\BillplzServiceProvider"
in order to get the config setting ready for you.
How to use (Create)
Create Collection
Required parameter
- title
use Neonexxa\BillplzWrapperV3\BillplzCollection; $res = new BillplzCollection; $res->title = "New Collection"; // and other optional params $res = $res->create_collection(); list($rheader, $rbody, $rurl) = explode("\n\r\n", $res); $bplz_result = json_decode($rurl);
Get Collection
Required parameter
- collection_id
use Neonexxa\BillplzWrapperV3\BillplzCollection; $res1 = new BillplzCollection; $res1->collection_id = "xxxxxx"; $res1 = $res1->get_collection(); list($rheader, $rbody, $rurl) = explode("\n\r\n", $res1); $bplz_result = json_decode($rurl);
Get Collection Index
use Neonexxa\BillplzWrapperV3\BillplzCollection; $res2 = new BillplzCollection; $res2 = $res2->get_collection(); list($rheader, $rbody, $rurl) = explode("\n\r\n", $res2); $bplz_result = json_decode($rurl);
Activate Collection
Required parameter
- collection_id
use Neonexxa\BillplzWrapperV3\BillplzCollection; $res5 = new BillplzCollection; $res5->collection_id = "xxxxxx"; $res5 = $res5->activate_collection();
Deactivate Collection
Required parameter
- collection_id
- activate=false
use Neonexxa\BillplzWrapperV3\BillplzCollection; $res4 = new BillplzCollection; $res4->collection_id = "xxxxxx"; $res4->activate = false ; $res4 = $res4->activate_collection(); list($rheader, $rbody, $rurl) = explode("\n\r\n", $res4); $bplz_result = json_decode($rurl);
Create Open Collection
Required parameter
- title
- description
- amount (will be ignore if fixed_amount=false)
$res = new BillplzOpenCollection; $res->title = "New Open collection"; $res->description = "New Open collection desc"; // $res->fixed_amount = false; $res->amount = 2*100; $res = $res->create_opencollection(); list($rheader, $rbody, $rurl) = explode("\n\r\n", $res); $bplz_result = json_decode($rurl);
Get Open Collection
Required parameter
- collection_id
$res2 = new BillplzOpenCollection; $res2->collection_id = $bplz_result->id; $res2 = $res2->get_opencollection();
Get Open Collection Index
$res3 = new BillplzOpenCollection; $res3 = $res3->get_opencollection();
Create bill
Required parameter
- collection_id
- description
- name
- amount
- callback_url
$res0 = new BillplzBill; $res0->collection_id = "xxxxxx"; // which collection you want to park this bill under $res0->description = "New BIll"; // bill description $res0->email = ""; // client email $res0->name = "receipientname"; // cleint name $res0->amount = 2*100; // by default in cent $res0->callback_url = ""; // callback url after execution // and other optional params $res0 = $res0->create_bill(); list($rhead ,$rbody, $rurl) = explode("\n\r\n", $res0); $bplz_result = json_decode($rurl);
Get bill
Required parameter
- bill_id
$res = new BillplzBill; $res->bill_id = $bplz_result->id; $res = $res->get_bill(); list($rhead ,$rbody, $rurl) = explode("\n\r\n", $res); $bplz_result = json_decode($rurl);
Delete bill
Required parameter
- bill_id
$res2 = new BillplzBill; $res2->bill_id = $bplz_result->id; $res2 = $res2->delete_bill();
thats all so far nothing yet ..