convert shortnames to emojis and see if shortname is emoji

1.1.0 2022-03-23 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-24 01:57:03 UTC


provides methods for

  • checking if string is shortcode
  • replace shortcode with emoji
  • replacing all shortcodes in string with emoji


You can install it with composer:

composer require neoisrecursive/emojify


use Neoisrecursive\Emojify;

$emojify = new Emojify();

$string = 'hello here is an emoji :smile:';

// hello, here is an emoji 😄


//string(4) "😎"

how it works (behind the scenes)

The regex looks for a ":" and then for spaces(" "), since no shortcode contains spaces and breaks if it finds one, if not then another ":", and if the characters inside is a shortcode it returns true.

$string3 = ':not_emoji::smile: will work, :not_emoji:smile: will
not while :not_emoji :smile: will work'

//string(85) ":not_emoji:😄 will work, :not_emoji:smile: will not while :not_emoji 😄 will work"